
Incredible Mousie, KY Homeowners Insurance Facts

Knowing these incredible facts can get you unheard of savings on your Mousie, KY homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Mousie, KY & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Daisy 1 bedroom 27 $318
2 Auxier 2 bedroom 35 $573
3 Colson 4 bedroom 59 $517
4 Jeff 2 bedroom 61 $437
5 Haysi 2 bedroom 77 $385
6 Canoe 4 bedroom 84 $877
7 Blaine 4 bedroom 125 $975
8 Benham 2 bedroom 125 $402
9 Sidney 4 bedroom 145 $715
10 Warfield 4 bedroom 206 $687
11 Royalton 2 bedroom 207 $281
12 McDowell 2 bedroom 490 $516
13 Mousie 3 bedroom 577 $455
14 Campton 3 bedroom 801 $446
15 Hindman 3 bedroom 922 $428
16 Owsley County 3 bedroom 955 $463
17 Elliott County 3 bedroom 1627 $420
18 Prestonsburg 3 bedroom 3117 $618
19 Pikeville 3 bedroom 3486 $675
20 Harlan County 3 bedroom 6171 $516

Mousie, KY Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Harlan County 10 $211 1274 $285
2 South Williamson 10 $255 282 $345
3 Hyden 11 $243 266 $329
4 Cowcreek 12 $206 25 $279
5 Clay County 16 $218 568 $295
6 Rousseau 19 $160 39 $217
7 Leslie County 19 $181 495 $244
8 Magoffin County 19 $222 451 $300
9 Hazard 21 $348 583 $471
10 Raccoon 22 $371 90 $501
11 Riverview 24 $309 29 $418
12 Jenkins 26 $219 117 $296
13 Ezel 28 $288 80 $389
14 Breathitt County 30 $181 413 $244
15 Williamson 35 $279 311 $377
16 Lee 37 $285 128 $385
17 Letcher County 40 $187 809 $252
18 Paintsville 54 $283 427 $382
19 Stanville 63 $437 138 $591
20 Floyd County 68 $279 1299 $377

Mousie, KY home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Martin 232 $448 10 $344
2 Isonville 560 $295 11 $191
3 Pennington Gap 588 $495 144 $381
4 Clintwood 754 $343 14 $246
5 Appalachia 756 $273 98 $185
6 Beattyville 888 $331 45 $225
7 Robinson Creek 934 $444 224 $293
8 Wise 963 $659 26 $408
9 Weeksbury 1,055 $260 10 $197
10 Prater 1,089 $276 27 $198
11 Campton 1,234 $381 25 $236
12 Frenchburg 2,069 $370 40 $236
13 Whitesburg 2,266 $260 44 $179
14 Jenkins 2,643 $219 95 $153
15 Prestonsburg 3,402 $430 332 $331
16 Leslie County 3,595 $257 15 $182
17 Hazard 3,949 $313 178 $209
18 Harlan 4,224 $298 149 $184
19 Letcher County 7,568 $328 180 $259
20 Floyd County 11,261 $334 390 $243

Mousie, KY home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 St. Charles 34 $233 14 $267
2 Dwale 53 $171 91 $210
3 Dante 80 $189 41 $243
4 Vansant 125 $497 77 $641
5 Diablock 181 $350 11 $444
6 Wheelwright 183 $180 66 $226
7 South Wallins 199 $202 30 $246
8 Blaine 393 $397 202 $480
9 Risner 538 $482 262 $583
10 Vicco 588 $208 214 $249
11 Mousie 617 $361 186 $425
12 Flatgap 796 $238 205 $287
13 Norton 888 $518 813 $595
14 Manchester 1032 $467 634 $597
15 Sand Lick 1047 $316 284 $401
16 McDowell 1051 $289 253 $349
17 Beech Ben Mate 1094 $267 364 $339
18 Pikeville 4129 $569 2477 $654
19 Knott County 4515 $289 1340 $369
20 Johnson County 6940 $360 2389 $435