
Incredible Camp Ground, KY Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Camp Ground, KY homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Camp Ground, KY & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Pearl 2 bedroom 38 $490
2 Sturgeon 4 bedroom 41 $632
3 Artemus 2 bedroom 95 $375
4 Haddix 4 bedroom 99 $562
5 Gregory 4 bedroom 120 $756
6 Trosper 3 bedroom 228 $402
7 Waynesburg 4 bedroom 334 $770
8 Gray 2 bedroom 370 $318
9 New Tazewell 2 bedroom 397 $652
10 Tejay 3 bedroom 399 $461
11 Camp Ground 2 bedroom 429 $446
12 Tazewell 2 bedroom 468 $506
13 West Irvine 2 bedroom 547 $446
14 Oneida 2 bedroom 655 $507
15 North Corbin 4 bedroom 703 $715
16 Krypton 3 bedroom 777 $455
17 McKee 2 bedroom 798 $337
18 London 4 bedroom 843 $910
19 Whitley City 3 bedroom 1601 $420
20 Somerset 2 bedroom 4369 $652

Camp Ground, KY Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Loyall 15 $256 20 $297
2 Sturgeon 16 $322 27 $373
3 Buckhorn 85 $225 55 $260
4 Flat Lick 98 $337 34 $390
5 Livingston 138 $296 200 $342
6 Oakdale 153 $294 27 $340
7 Lee 154 $220 78 $255
8 Siler 182 $181 100 $209
9 Jellico 227 $338 142 $391
10 Dice 231 $251 95 $290
11 Langnau 267 $357 81 $413
12 Camp Ground 337 $354 76 $409
13 Owsley County 338 $276 214 $320
14 Krypton 372 $287 116 $332
15 Conway 432 $328 122 $380
16 Eubank 615 $328 108 $380
17 Pineville 697 $281 269 $325
18 Pine Knot 706 $311 292 $360
19 Harlan County 2049 $220 982 $255
20 Claiborne County 2869 $431 1376 $499

Camp Ground, KY home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Cumberland Gap 68 $675 142 $513
2 Kentucky Ridge 486 $425 13 $306
3 Jellico 605 $348 151 $247
4 Tazewell 818 $485 45 $310
5 Jackson 940 $319 40 $226
6 Oneida 1,103 $415 39 $257
7 Manchester 1,154 $377 103 $260
8 Crab Orchard 1,290 $269 16 $212
9 West Irvine 1,658 $414 10 $273
10 Whitley City 2,322 $311 173 $248
11 North Corbin 2,481 $412 54 $263
12 Breathitt County 3,608 $304 63 $203
13 Middlesborough 3,744 $399 266 $315
14 Rockcastle County 5,214 $309 94 $237
15 Berea 6,721 $690 153 $483
16 Perry County 7,219 $356 189 $231
17 Claiborne County 10,029 $480 293 $292
18 Somerset 11,793 $606 887 $369
19 Campbell County 14,377 $458 781 $302
20 Laurel County 16,008 $577 485 $392

Camp Ground, KY home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Ewing 48 $270 27 $332
2 Ferguson 229 $534 184 $635
3 Stearns 473 $396 233 $483
4 Gregory 506 $290 122 $339
5 Mount Victory 519 $294 98 $370
6 St. Helens 525 $280 199 $344
7 Siler 543 $178 258 $224
8 Livingston 858 $248 202 $290
9 Shopville 914 $476 220 $561
10 Beattyville 946 $292 490 $379
11 Big Creek 975 $207 237 $240
12 Sandgap 1052 $261 290 $315
13 Camp Ground 1132 $458 228 $572
14 Hyden 1568 $252 455 $327
15 Nancy 1687 $367 320 $433
16 East Bernstadt 2035 $312 358 $371
17 Leslie County 3334 $267 983 $344
18 Estill County 4140 $383 1661 $478
19 Jackson County 4333 $267 1406 $323
20 Whitley County 9067 $402 4263 $474