
Outstanding Wea, KS Homeowners Insurance Stats

Outstanding stats that is very useful to know in getting a damn good deal on your Wea, KS homeowners insurance quote.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Wea, KS & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Birmingham 4 bedroom 15 $2,421
2 Hume 4 bedroom 30 $1,530
3 Honey Creek 3 bedroom 35 $3,105
4 Sibley 2 bedroom 45 $1,282
5 Boone 2 bedroom 46 $1,215
6 Lane 2 bedroom 54 $968
7 Wea 5 or more bedrooms 89 $5,805
8 Oakview 3 bedroom 96 $1,760
9 Buckner 4 bedroom 104 $2,722
10 Lake Quivira 4 bedroom 159 $7,215
11 Bogard 3 bedroom 160 $2,090
12 Alexandria 3 bedroom 237 $2,418
13 Parkville 5 or more bedrooms 455 $7,425
14 Sioux 2 bedroom 893 $2,625
15 Osawatomie 3 bedroom 1059 $1,372
16 Mount Pleasant 4 bedroom 1516 $2,006
17 Chouteau 4 bedroom 4362 $2,992
18 Gladstone 3 bedroom 4801 $1,743
19 Lee's Summit 4 bedroom 10399 $4,257
20 Jackson County 2 bedroom 87798 $1,581

Wea, KS Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Coldwater 10 $1,417 34 $1,914
2 Liberty 12 $950 22 $1,284
3 Lexington 13 $2,603 17 $3,516
4 Linn Valley 15 $913 21 $1,233
5 White Oak 16 $827 37 $1,118
6 Big Creek 18 $2,693 43 $3,638
7 Mission 20 $2,066 1313 $2,791
8 Pleasant Valley 20 $1,536 103 $2,075
9 Sni-A-Bar 28 $1,941 930 $2,623
10 Bates County 32 $998 761 $1,349
11 Lenexa 50 $1,934 546 $2,613
12 Kansas City 52 $933 13960 $1,261
13 Leavenworth 57 $1,098 1397 $1,484
14 Wyandotte County 61 $1,255 14495 $1,695
15 Lee's Summit 70 $2,341 1416 $3,163
16 Cass County 83 $1,700 2666 $2,297
17 Liberty 181 $1,895 1245 $2,560
18 Johnson County 225 $1,816 1605 $2,454
19 Lawrence 367 $2,081 3306 $2,812
20 Douglas County 378 $2,169 3946 $2,930

Wea, KS home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Claycomo 442 $1,664 72 $1,214
2 Wellsville 692 $1,798 41 $1,420
3 Elk 693 $1,695 16 $1,220
4 Wakarusa 766 $2,906 40 $2,121
5 Potosi 814 $1,216 37 $863
6 Madison 1,334 $1,131 36 $723
7 Stranger 1,467 $2,441 10 $1,952
8 Oak Grove 2,102 $1,413 68 $1,130
9 Eudora 2,555 $2,235 35 $1,475
10 Lansing 2,735 $1,808 101 $1,157
11 Fairmount 3,115 $2,955 43 $2,216
12 Ottawa 4,105 $1,344 231 $806
13 Fox 4,109 $1,771 668 $1,098
14 Carroll 5,131 $3,092 293 $2,257
15 May 6,114 $2,483 2,855 $1,663
16 Raymore 8,752 $1,720 400 $1,307
17 Lawrence 21,725 $2,523 6,415 $1,690
18 Gallatin 21,820 $1,809 4,910 $1,356
19 Overland Park 53,966 $2,826 9,015 $1,865
20 Johnson County 173,886 $2,924 23,277 $1,929

Wea, KS home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Rantoul 57 $1,269 12 $1,586
2 East Lynne 94 $1,129 26 $1,411
3 Ferrelview 114 $815 143 $1,002
4 Avondale 143 $1,472 110 $1,854
5 Montrose 157 $686 68 $891
6 Freeman 174 $1,056 50 $1,214
7 Alexandria 316 $1,823 56 $2,369
8 Liberty 378 $1,378 40 $1,708
9 Sarcoxie 388 $3,631 95 $4,611
10 Wea 588 $4,376 103 $5,688
11 Pleasant Valley 764 $1,467 424 $1,745
12 Oxford 778 $4,851 26 $6,209
13 Deer Creek 784 $1,425 186 $1,838
14 Pettis 873 $2,015 1014 $2,498
15 Franklin 877 $1,604 206 $1,956
16 Bonner Springs 1834 $1,658 820 $1,906
17 Mission 2340 $2,113 2650 $2,472
18 Leawood 11193 $4,465 847 $5,358
19 Leavenworth County 17688 $2,299 8479 $2,942
20 Brooking 19750 $1,254 11126 $1,492