
Excellent Colby, KS Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Colby, KS homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Colby, KS & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Wallace 4 bedroom 10 $2,307
2 Cornell 2 bedroom 10 $1,356
3 Rovohl 2 bedroom 14 $650
4 Voltaire 4 bedroom 16 $1,966
5 Parnell 4 bedroom 22 $2,407
6 Finley 3 bedroom 22 $543
7 Llanos 4 bedroom 22 $1,836
8 Lacey 2 bedroom 23 $936
9 Menlo 4 bedroom 29 $10,600
10 Itasca 4 bedroom 33 $2,362
11 Smith 2 bedroom 37 $988
12 Herndon 3 bedroom 40 $1,190
13 Randall 4 bedroom 41 $1,870
14 Summers 5 or more bedrooms 48 $6,705
15 Winona 2 bedroom 65 $831
16 Hoxie 2 bedroom 176 $953
17 Logan County 2 bedroom 329 $910
18 Rawlins County 3 bedroom 455 $1,575
19 Colby 2 bedroom 469 $1,237
20 Sherman County 3 bedroom 1062 $1,215

Colby, KS Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Decatur County 10 $530 144 $686

Colby, KS home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Parnell 39 $1,262 10 $908
2 Morgan 193 $1,990 69 $1,572
3 Quinter 383 $1,105 10 $740
4 Sharon Springs 414 $874 12 $672
5 Hoxie 530 $972 32 $758
6 Kenneth 571 $851 32 $638
7 Atwood 578 $829 16 $646
8 Oakley 917 $974 28 $613
9 Oberlin 932 $806 28 $620
10 Sheridan County 1,135 $952 42 $723
11 Logan County 1,234 $895 28 $716
12 Gove County 1,277 $995 12 $766
13 Rawlins County 1,321 $921 38 $626
14 Decatur County 1,634 $850 28 $552
15 Colby 1,700 $1,334 176 $813
16 Goodland 1,904 $925 145 $703
17 Sherman County 2,529 $938 145 $572
18 Thomas County 2,604 $995 245 $766

Colby, KS home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Achilles 16 $1,339 27 $1,713
2 Russell Springs 22 $303 10 $387
3 McDonald 57 $600 36 $696
4 Herndon 60 $595 16 $737
5 Gove 67 $843 12 $994
6 Brewster 79 $805 25 $974
7 Smith 85 $903 33 $1,065
8 Winona 109 $429 42 $549
9 Herl 126 $673 38 $868
10 Grainfield 183 $966 24 $1,236
11 Quinter 296 $958 78 $1,120
12 Atwood 422 $771 119 $986
13 St. Francis 529 $811 129 $1,046
14 Oberlin 716 $921 201 $1,151
15 Rawlins County 877 $872 342 $1,028
16 Logan County 934 $813 352 $983
17 Goodland 1084 $752 1027 $947
18 Colby 1423 $1,410 778 $1,706
19 Sherman County 1600 $869 1129 $1,094
20 Thomas County 2125 $1,410 1012 $1,790