
Incredible Manhattan, KS Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Manhattan, KS homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Manhattan, KS & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Wingfield 4 bedroom 12 $3,245
2 Ivy 3 bedroom 19 $1,338
3 Havensville 3 bedroom 19 $988
4 Dwight 4 bedroom 25 $1,430
5 Five Creeks 3 bedroom 31 $1,852
6 Goff 3 bedroom 36 $887
7 Leonardville 3 bedroom 57 $1,338
8 Mayetta 2 bedroom 69 $1,093
9 Ogden 4 bedroom 93 $2,587
10 Alma 2 bedroom 126 $910
11 Vermillion 2 bedroom 148 $681
12 Menoken 2 bedroom 151 $1,237
13 Waterville 2 bedroom 155 $968
14 Chapman 4 bedroom 157 $2,025
15 Maple Hill 3 bedroom 302 $2,722
16 Clay Center 4 bedroom 332 $1,457
17 Wamego 4 bedroom 353 $2,212
18 Marshall County 4 bedroom 781 $2,090
19 Madison 3 bedroom 959 $1,901
20 Manhattan 4 bedroom 3362 $3,127

Manhattan, KS Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Linn 18 $711 33 $853
2 Vermillion 27 $601 25 $721
3 Belvue 31 $1,295 22 $1,553
4 Home 32 $882 28 $1,057
5 Menoken 52 $1,868 90 $2,240
6 Grandview Plaza 56 $741 11 $889
7 Wabaunsee 57 $2,364 27 $2,835
8 Maple Hill 57 $1,989 10 $2,385
9 Marysville 70 $1,330 100 $1,595
10 Chapman 84 $1,618 33 $1,940
11 Clay Center 113 $1,282 151 $1,537
12 St. Marys 115 $1,986 100 $2,382
13 Wamego 147 $1,826 39 $2,189
14 Abilene 176 $1,655 130 $1,984
15 Ogden 223 $1,178 88 $1,413
16 Madison 224 $1,573 35 $1,887
17 Pottawatomie County 645 $1,619 518 $1,941
18 Junction City 918 $1,924 651 $2,307
19 Manhattan 2882 $2,714 761 $3,254
20 Shawnee County 9363 $1,763 5201 $2,114

Manhattan, KS home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Grandview Plaza 146 $902 186 $694
2 Bala 250 $1,509 10 $1,026
3 Vermillion 369 $622 33 $398
4 Solomon 413 $974 29 $642
5 Ogden 715 $1,410 44 $1,015
6 Burlingame 749 $1,120 15 $806
7 Council Grove 798 $749 85 $516
8 Silver Lake 842 $2,273 33 $1,750
9 St. Marys 1,007 $2,276 25 $1,365
10 Herington 1,283 $887 22 $576
11 Madison 1,305 $1,264 17 $998
12 Marysville 1,408 $911 39 $583
13 Clay Center 1,748 $1,276 153 $969
14 Abilene 2,283 $1,647 219 $1,037
15 Morris County 2,736 $1,167 89 $805
16 Marshall County 4,344 $971 95 $669
17 Pottawatomie County 7,261 $2,188 152 $1,641
18 Dickinson County 7,572 $1,234 356 $950
19 Manhattan 10,742 $2,632 5,925 $1,631
20 Topeka 41,446 $1,276 8,760 $854

Manhattan, KS home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Manchester 21 $151 34 $181
2 Admire 35 $713 14 $919
3 Fancy Creek 50 $1,271 10 $1,563
4 Circleville 53 $693 14 $803
5 Cheever 59 $1,258 12 $1,585
6 Hoyt 141 $1,259 74 $1,611
7 White City 190 $926 48 $1,074
8 Onaga 194 $1,118 89 $1,363
9 Starr 226 $509 82 $585
10 Grandview Plaza 227 $744 317 $900
11 Newbury 250 $1,437 79 $1,796
12 Hanover 279 $680 55 $843
13 Jefferson 373 $1,427 404 $1,855
14 St. Marys 838 $1,602 270 $1,922
15 Marysville 944 $911 569 $1,129
16 Clay Center 1335 $1,267 557 $1,457
17 Marshall County 3320 $1,103 1004 $1,312
18 Dickinson County 5775 $1,564 2038 $2,017
19 Pottawatomie County 6158 $2,112 1750 $2,745
20 Manhattan 7945 $2,494 12283 $2,893