
Incredible Walton, KS Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Walton, KS homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Walton, KS & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Dennis Acres 3 bedroom 11 $1,172
2 Delaware 1 bedroom 12 $487
3 Neck City 4 bedroom 15 $1,933
4 Mindenmines 4 bedroom 21 $2,076
5 Peru 3 bedroom 36 $900
6 West Mineral 3 bedroom 38 $975
7 Edna 2 bedroom 57 $725
8 Liberal 1 bedroom 71 $468
9 Elsmore 2 bedroom 85 $975
10 Hackberry 3 bedroom 94 $1,743
11 3 bedroom 165 $2,131
12 Crawford 3 bedroom 195 $1,718
13 Walton 3 bedroom 196 $1,575
14 Woodson County 4 bedroom 245 $1,642
15 Commerce 2 bedroom 371 $1,268
16 Neodesha 2 bedroom 463 $756
17 Mineral 2 bedroom 525 $1,721
18 Baker 3 bedroom 945 $2,850
19 Webb City 2 bedroom 1299 $1,653
20 Neosho County 2 bedroom 2134 $1,251

Walton, KS Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Montgomery County 11 $836 2043 $1,129
2 Nowata County 12 $944 618 $1,276
3 Wilson County 13 $745 392 $1,007
4 Labette County 16 $641 1395 $866
5 Allen County 19 $753 636 $1,017
6 Iola 19 $704 334 $951
7 Crawford County 20 $905 1600 $1,223
8 Miami 27 $689 1471 $932
9 Peoria 43 $1,020 157 $1,377
10 Webb City 50 $1,068 478 $1,443
11 Ottawa County 78 $790 2037 $1,067
12 Galena 141 $1,016 1420 $1,373
13 Joplin 371 $1,090 3016 $1,472

Walton, KS home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Edna 145 $855 10 $607
2 Elm Grove 270 $1,171 10 $772
3 Humboldt 726 $828 14 $654
4 Neodesha 932 $558 12 $412
5 Vinita 950 $1,345 13 $874
6 Craig 1,167 $1,236 73 $741
7 Galena 1,178 $651 20 $416
8 Woodson County 1,555 $710 26 $454
9 Baxter Springs 1,657 $857 25 $591
10 Nowata 2,027 $883 40 $582
11 Vinita 2,144 $807 130 $540
12 Fort Scott 3,203 $1,008 247 $745
13 Chanute 3,572 $710 80 $426
14 Coffeyville 3,834 $754 435 $550
15 Parsons 4,109 $577 306 $398
16 Bourbon County 5,863 $1,086 252 $771
17 Neosho County 6,352 $806 88 $548
18 Pittsburg 6,674 $1,031 1,091 $659
19 Ottawa County 11,085 $1,230 604 $910
20 Joplin 17,831 $1,334 1,611 $893

Walton, KS home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Neck City 51 $929 14 $1,124
2 Little Caney 74 $550 17 $676
3 Redings Mill 79 $984 15 $1,269
4 Lenapah 85 $792 24 $910
5 Edna 112 $732 42 $893
6 Purcell 117 $875 19 $1,128
7 McCune 139 $559 55 $654
8 173 $1,032 69 $1,217
9 Salamanca 203 $1,286 11 $1,491
10 Neosho Falls 215 $423 35 $516
11 Walton 318 $1,420 52 $1,689
12 Tioga 342 $1,427 17 $1,698
13 Yates Center 443 $534 187 $651
14 Five Mile 1369 $2,105 162 $2,715
15 Carl Junction 1892 $1,830 815 $2,141
16 Twin Groves 1937 $1,338 659 $1,632
17 Wilson County 2853 $859 924 $1,022
18 Pittsburg 3744 $1,071 4015 $1,306
19 Allen County 4279 $767 1298 $882
20 Cherokee County 6327 $1,121 1797 $1,390