
Pipe Creek, IN Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Pipe Creek, IN homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Pipe Creek, IN & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Country Club Heights 4 bedroom 21 $1,625
2 Dunreith 3 bedroom 33 $393
3 Spring Lake 2 bedroom 39 $481
4 Lewisville 2 bedroom 49 $337
5 Converse 2 bedroom 94 $472
6 Andrews 2 bedroom 115 $358
7 Ervin 4 bedroom 122 $1,350
8 Nottingham 3 bedroom 246 $563
9 Cumberland 4 bedroom 440 $1,192
10 Peru 1 bedroom 723 $375
11 Rushville 3 bedroom 1421 $687
12 Pipe Creek 2 bedroom 1852 $287
13 Wabash County 4 bedroom 2234 $715
14 Boone County 2 bedroom 4312 $715
15 Randolph County 3 bedroom 5456 $393
16 Perry 1 bedroom 5899 $358
17 Madison County 4 bedroom 6637 $926
18 Pike 3 bedroom 11260 $728
19 Hancock County 3 bedroom 14786 $937
20 Washington 3 bedroom 20437 $780

Pipe Creek, IN Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Wildcat 10 $429 257 $574
2 Converse 12 $321 212 $429
3 Lizton 14 $645 82 $862
4 Mooreland 18 $271 102 $363
5 Dunkirk 67 $258 556 $346
6 Howard 88 $617 207 $825
7 Fairmount 96 $301 618 $402
8 Deer Creek 155 $358 204 $479
9 Pipe Creek 164 $390 2265 $522
10 Fortville 235 $448 153 $600
11 Speedway 262 $563 753 $753
12 Rushville 302 $500 1238 $669
13 New Whiteland 411 $369 39 $493
14 Ingalls 447 $481 71 $643
15 Worth 485 $609 156 $814
16 Henry County 1330 $338 6694 $452
17 Huntington County 1480 $532 5612 $711
18 Fishers 11842 $776 132 $1,038
19 Hendricks County 18850 $613 3471 $820
20 Indianapolis 38673 $542 62813 $724

Pipe Creek, IN home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Pennville 238 $256 16 $161
2 Warren Park 358 $794 517 $492
3 Lynn 450 $278 10 $208
4 Middletown 784 $325 23 $250
5 Hartford City 2,231 $304 135 $194
6 Licking 2,786 $399 135 $279
7 Taylor 3,554 $502 149 $401
8 Beech Grove 4,188 $513 902 $333
9 Pipe Creek 4,512 $440 139 $316
10 Shelbyville 6,020 $494 835 $321
11 Addison 6,721 $585 802 $397
12 Huntington 7,276 $488 489 $341
13 Jay County 7,663 $403 127 $257
14 Guilford 8,389 $855 1,215 $675
15 Huntington County 13,302 $470 537 $286
16 Anderson 20,492 $448 2,089 $344
17 Hancock County 24,135 $678 677 $522
18 Fishers 24,585 $879 1,637 $580
19 Lawrence 34,814 $648 5,158 $518
20 Hendricks County 48,065 $775 3,103 $589

Pipe Creek, IN home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Mount Auburn 43 $347 15 $437
2 Fairview 94 $418 40 $480
3 Lizton 153 $496 79 $595
4 Grissom AFB 166 $429 459 $514
5 Markle 354 $445 152 $560
6 Rock Creek 514 $429 117 $549
7 Greensboro 576 $428 87 $530
8 Prairie 1236 $697 105 $850
9 Pipe Creek 3460 $448 1246 $568
10 Shelbyville 4218 $503 3381 $628
11 Mount Pleasant 4278 $608 1505 $766
12 Logansport 4338 $348 2368 $431
13 New Castle 4626 $363 2977 $428
14 Jay County 6319 $325 1869 $390
15 Randolph County 7698 $386 2626 $447
16 Anderson 14288 $417 8841 $521
17 Fall Creek 15630 $1,365 1297 $1,692
18 Fishers 22618 $1,110 4637 $1,398
19 Perry 26173 $694 17068 $867
20 Lawrence 29171 $589 16949 $689