
Wea, IN Homeowners Insurance Wonderful Info

Wonderful information about Wea, IN homeowners insurance to help you get the cheapest quotes and save

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Wea, IN & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Yeoman 1 bedroom 10 $318
2 Mount Ayr 2 bedroom 22 $463
3 Amo 4 bedroom 22 $975
4 Williams Creek 3 bedroom 30 $2,970
5 Ulen 3 bedroom 32 $1,282
6 Cayuga 4 bedroom 57 $660
7 Oxford 4 bedroom 88 $861
8 Royal Center 2 bedroom 103 $455
9 Williamsport 4 bedroom 142 $937
10 Fowler 4 bedroom 153 $763
11 Delphi 1 bedroom 165 $411
12 Montezuma 3 bedroom 219 $675
13 Kirklin 3 bedroom 268 $495
14 Lauramie 3 bedroom 533 $806
15 Worth 3 bedroom 684 $783
16 Avon 2 bedroom 694 $728
17 Greencastle 3 bedroom 1975 $770
18 Wea 4 bedroom 2004 $975
19 Crawfordsville 2 bedroom 2634 $385
20 Lebanon 3 bedroom 3219 $926

Wea, IN Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Meridian Hills 34 $2,433 98 $3,083
2 West Point 37 $497 52 $630
3 Whitestown 41 $946 86 $1,199
4 Clermont 42 $451 75 $572
5 Brook 43 $364 235 $462
6 Russiaville 44 $583 123 $739
7 Oxford 45 $307 208 $389
8 Catlin 128 $444 318 $562
9 Deer Creek 251 $423 204 $536
10 Benton County 371 $358 1647 $453
11 Newell 590 $429 1037 $544
12 Vermillion County 889 $423 2788 $536
13 Lebanon 1193 $617 1328 $782
14 White County 1443 $548 2602 $694
15 Zionsville 1573 $1,678 372 $2,127
16 West Lafayette 1753 $699 1608 $885
17 Lincoln 1838 $623 273 $790
18 Montgomery County 2017 $526 5150 $666
19 Fairfield 2942 $547 6528 $693
20 Wea 3603 $503 190 $637

Wea, IN home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Lizton 212 $592 31 $426
2 Clayton 320 $725 37 $565
3 Eagle 324 $1,567 106 $1,002
4 Battle Ground 453 $629 12 $396
5 Rossville 480 $647 63 $427
6 Flora 745 $415 54 $282
7 Whitestown 1,087 $942 115 $706
8 Logan 1,395 $451 25 $297
9 Georgetown 3,029 $285 40 $213
10 Lebanon 4,807 $681 759 $517
11 Pulaski County 4,855 $445 109 $289
12 Crawfordsville 4,860 $417 524 $304
13 Brownsburg 7,410 $759 512 $599
14 Union 7,925 $483 541 $347
15 Wea 9,752 $563 1,444 $388
16 Montgomery County 13,068 $595 550 $428
17 Lafayette 20,288 $481 4,798 $341
18 Pike 20,831 $740 6,158 $473
19 Carmel 24,527 $1,233 3,108 $789
20 Tippecanoe County 46,011 $687 11,927 $446

Wea, IN home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Gilboa 51 $696 15 $800
2 Ambia 72 $182 10 $209
3 Advance 120 $441 45 $529
4 Grissom AFB 166 $314 459 $370
5 Reynolds 168 $466 76 $559
6 Sharpsville 185 $539 56 $641
7 Big Creek 254 $572 33 $732
8 Newton 331 $680 24 $843
9 Cayuga 346 $324 118 $388
10 Remington 359 $509 189 $610
11 Goodland 368 $436 95 $501
12 Thorntown 390 $380 190 $486
13 Miami 505 $787 116 $936
14 Whitestown 904 $892 196 $1,079
15 Westville 1076 $427 335 $512
16 Carroll County 6304 $530 1756 $657
17 Wea 8479 $514 3526 $611
18 Lincoln 8993 $653 1394 $842
19 Montgomery County 10386 $638 4225 $829
20 Hendricks County 43109 $742 9013 $927