
New Berlin, IL Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about New Berlin, IL homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for New Berlin, IL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Middletown 4 bedroom 20 $641
2 Waverly No. 3 2 bedroom 24 $605
3 Patterson 4 bedroom 28 $811
4 Crane Creek 3 bedroom 29 $1,350
5 Kane 4 bedroom 39 $811
6 Laenna 4 bedroom 46 $1,068
7 Lynchburg 3 bedroom 50 $675
8 Allens Grove 4 bedroom 57 $975
9 Chandlerville 4 bedroom 62 $483
10 Greenview No. 6 4 bedroom 63 $900
11 Bluffs 3 bedroom 96 $472
12 Jacksonville No. 7 1 bedroom 100 $350
13 Hillyard 2 bedroom 107 $325
14 Schram City 3 bedroom 112 $585
15 Wilsonville 3 bedroom 127 $463
16 New Berlin 2 bedroom 146 $811
17 Williamsville 2 bedroom 153 $652
18 Bainbridge 3 bedroom 171 $825
19 Athens No. 1 3 bedroom 307 $666
20 May 3 bedroom 390 $893

New Berlin, IL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Leland Grove 18 $1,083 105 $1,367
2 Corwin 21 $309 23 $390
3 Oakford 29 $299 25 $378
4 Assumption 32 $296 42 $373
5 Griggsville 33 $349 45 $441
6 Taylor Springs 33 $375 17 $473
7 Carlin 34 $1,074 39 $1,355
8 Meredosia 44 $363 40 $459
9 Nortonville 52 $446 18 $563
10 Murrayville 53 $351 11 $443
11 Bluffs 59 $394 20 $497
12 Rockbridge 63 $356 69 $449
13 Petersburg 87 $367 69 $463
14 Petersburg No. 15 89 $950 11 $1,198
15 South Jacksonville 132 $508 160 $641
16 New Berlin 135 $753 23 $950
17 Litchfield 195 $414 315 $522
18 Carlinville 303 $515 366 $650
19 Jerseyville 426 $466 422 $588
20 Jersey 515 $537 480 $678

New Berlin, IL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Jacksonville No. 10 183 $393 63 $310
2 Tovey 214 $343 13 $219
3 Jacksonville No. 9 271 $278 122 $205
4 Jacksonville No. 6 332 $395 121 $296
5 Warrensburg 369 $550 43 $434
6 Edinburg 403 $502 16 $401
7 New Berlin 622 $644 16 $399
8 Assumption 639 $316 14 $252
9 Jacksonville No. 2 741 $390 31 $304
10 Lewistown 1,215 $399 84 $267
11 Havana 1,957 $351 76 $252
12 Rochester 2,135 $769 29 $492
13 Staunton 2,295 $607 123 $485
14 Pana 2,524 $307 183 $193
15 West Lincoln 2,818 $404 248 $266
16 Cass County 4,459 $343 102 $270
17 Taylorville 4,663 $390 313 $261
18 Menard County 4,689 $513 203 $348
19 Jacksonville 5,618 $453 878 $303
20 Montgomery County 10,775 $381 317 $293

New Berlin, IL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Jacksonville No. 7 32 $501 113 $631
2 Kerton 52 $341 22 $419
3 Eldred 55 $182 34 $211
4 Malone 112 $834 20 $1,084
5 Spring Creek 206 $230 22 $299
6 Bluffs 230 $429 36 $514
7 Irving 277 $407 23 $529
8 Witt 368 $339 169 $403
9 Ricks 389 $408 78 $497
10 Shipman 478 $502 102 $647
11 Macon 486 $410 123 $500
12 New Berlin 498 $684 161 $807
13 Buena Vista 541 $345 101 $417
14 Mechanicsburg 658 $425 152 $497
15 South Jacksonville 1010 $551 330 $639
16 Scott County 1550 $371 568 $474
17 East Lincoln 2529 $446 1089 $561
18 Chatham 3718 $954 572 $1,192
19 Lincoln 4142 $404 2378 $509
20 Jacksonville 4340 $371 2977 $456