
Outstanding Honey Creek, IL Homeowners Insurance Stats

Outstanding stats that is very useful to know in getting a damn good deal on your Honey Creek, IL homeowners insurance quote.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Honey Creek, IL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Russellville 3 bedroom 12 $356
2 West Union 4 bedroom 13 $728
3 Cannelburg 3 bedroom 21 $825
4 Switz City 1 bedroom 22 $275
5 Burns City 2 bedroom 28 $663
6 Fairplay 1 bedroom 29 $420
7 Calhoun 2 bedroom 43 $472
8 Prairieton 4 bedroom 49 $845
9 Elm River 3 bedroom 69 $618
10 Seelyville 1 bedroom 90 $275
11 German 3 bedroom 100 $877
12 Elnora 2 bedroom 146 $463
13 Petty 3 bedroom 153 $461
14 Toledo 2 bedroom 231 $376
15 Honey Creek 3 bedroom 327 $358
16 Posey 2 bedroom 463 $461
17 Stockton 4 bedroom 506 $666
18 Otter Creek 3 bedroom 1933 $632
19 Charleston 3 bedroom 3675 $728
20 Gibson County 3 bedroom 6526 $450

Honey Creek, IL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Coles County 10 $412 2874 $556
2 Wabash 10 $383 85 $518
3 Grove 12 $374 28 $505
4 Lost Creek 12 $608 484 $822
5 Riley 13 $737 185 $995
6 Bond 13 $235 36 $318
7 Terre Haute 13 $316 3406 $427
8 Harrison 13 $291 3169 $393
9 Wayne County 14 $259 1143 $351
10 Oblong 16 $277 152 $374
11 Richland County 17 $400 1054 $540
12 Jasper County 19 $367 406 $496
13 Barr 22 $707 143 $955
14 Effingham County 35 $520 1519 $703
15 Honey Creek 61 $602 606 $814
16 Knox County 63 $417 2090 $563
17 Greene County 67 $330 1068 $446
18 Daviess County 75 $473 1625 $639
19 Vigo County 99 $412 5421 $557
20 Gibson County 175 $501 1928 $677

Honey Creek, IL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Switz City 133 $308 20 $234
2 Shelburn 407 $299 12 $221
3 Worthington 554 $379 15 $242
4 Odon 591 $300 46 $186
5 Haubstadt 698 $565 32 $361
6 Petersburg 704 $388 78 $279
7 Albion 771 $218 11 $163
8 Bridgeport 781 $233 51 $153
9 Casey 1,594 $388 20 $252
10 Flora 1,655 $306 93 $198
11 Lafayette 1,804 $611 384 $421
12 Otter Creek 3,162 $578 83 $445
13 Mount Carmel 3,214 $361 323 $288
14 Jasper County 3,471 $422 73 $257
15 Robinson 3,592 $358 66 $264
16 Douglas 4,352 $507 623 $405
17 Charleston 5,593 $465 1,415 $353
18 Sullivan County 6,930 $338 318 $239
19 Daviess County 10,433 $472 325 $320
20 Terre Haute 18,918 $408 2,597 $326

Honey Creek, IL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Dolson 78 $595 29 $702
2 West Union 124 $175 15 $213
3 Lucas 179 $532 54 $665
4 Fairplay 187 $417 30 $521
5 Blair 202 $489 56 $591
6 Widner 209 $333 115 $432
7 Winslow 245 $286 143 $334
8 Gray 353 $288 126 $339
9 Claremont 358 $255 42 $293
10 Bedford 417 $351 60 $438
11 Noble 423 $274 70 $334
12 Owensville 465 $314 80 $373
13 Ashmore 513 $415 77 $493
14 Worthington 520 $300 123 $354
15 Honey Creek 597 $444 33 $568
16 Fayette 844 $666 49 $785
17 Curry 1128 $356 342 $441
18 Crawford County 6274 $380 1467 $482
19 Coles County 13192 $455 7964 $523
20 Vigo County 25922 $519 13806 $648