
Wonderful Bellevue, IL Homeowners Insurance Facts

These wonderful Bellevue, IL homeowners insurance facts will get you cheap quotes and save you a great deal of money

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Bellevue, IL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 McNabb 4 bedroom 17 $1,087
2 Waterford 2 bedroom 22 $796
3 Bishop Hill 4 bedroom 23 $701
4 Floyd 4 bedroom 29 $742
5 Dana 2 bedroom 44 $256
6 Mapleton 3 bedroom 51 $646
7 Dillon 4 bedroom 59 $1,127
8 Partridge 3 bedroom 91 $900
9 Dunlap 2 bedroom 112 $877
10 East Galesburg 2 bedroom 125 $437
11 Roberts 3 bedroom 172 $591
12 Knoxville 4 bedroom 178 $605
13 Pleasant 3 bedroom 215 $742
14 Bellevue 2 bedroom 252 $525
15 Reading 2 bedroom 269 $350
16 Wethersfield 4 bedroom 325 $956
17 El Paso 2 bedroom 408 $577
18 Fondulac 4 bedroom 851 $1,237
19 Normal 3 bedroom 6596 $673
20 Bloomington 4 bedroom 6973 $1,457

Bellevue, IL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Wataga 14 $352 41 $405
2 Congerville 15 $672 25 $772
3 East Galesburg 17 $438 15 $503
4 Pleasant 18 $396 25 $456
5 Elm Grove 19 $722 128 $830
6 Goodfield 21 $1,077 32 $1,238
7 Berwick 21 $403 13 $463
8 Williamsfield 22 $379 35 $436
9 Steuben 29 $719 26 $826
10 Minonk 33 $391 220 $450
11 Bellevue 36 $362 211 $416
12 Burns 36 $544 12 $626
13 Indian Point 42 $338 91 $389
14 Hollis 72 $867 84 $996
15 Lewistown 103 $354 214 $407
16 Cedar 107 $465 217 $534
17 Eureka 113 $817 264 $939
18 Lincoln 380 $434 872 $498
19 Pekin 959 $459 3272 $527
20 Bloomington 3976 $738 2133 $848

Bellevue, IL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Washburn 442 $378 19 $294
2 Hopedale 684 $778 61 $560
3 Cazenovia 715 $540 19 $399
4 Tremont 875 $1,002 14 $721
5 Roanoke 960 $758 12 $583
6 Knoxville 1,038 $455 19 $359
7 Lewistown 1,215 $353 84 $278
8 Eureka 1,406 $599 183 $395
9 Wethersfield 1,513 $481 195 $317
10 West Peoria 1,752 $592 31 $367
11 Knox 1,766 $444 33 $306
12 Peoria Heights 2,630 $425 478 $293
13 Chillicothe 2,830 $526 87 $347
14 East Lincoln 3,068 $537 231 $359
15 Cincinnati 3,154 $808 212 $638
16 Princeton 3,465 $640 259 $428
17 Fondulac 4,795 $746 416 $552
18 Marshall County 5,358 $569 37 $341
19 Washington 7,839 $826 369 $578
20 Tazewell County 48,424 $718 2,675 $481

Bellevue, IL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Waldo 65 $528 24 $617
2 London Mills 120 $296 21 $352
3 Sugar Grove No. 5 129 $618 11 $784
4 Woodland 146 $508 23 $645
5 Benson 161 $418 38 $501
6 Weller 194 $794 38 $984
7 Hittle 198 $527 79 $632
8 Wapella 228 $667 22 $767
9 East Galesburg 239 $542 106 $688
10 Goodfield 325 $1,177 14 $1,400
11 Money Creek 365 $868 91 $1,006
12 Toluca 446 $520 139 $613
13 Atlanta 504 $528 159 $675
14 Bellevue 698 $353 125 $420
15 Reading 818 $437 106 $541
16 El Paso 1003 $621 283 $801
17 Cedar 1018 $378 355 $491
18 Wethersfield 1232 $350 452 $441
19 Creve Coeur 1766 $408 699 $501
20 Pekin 10160 $576 3933 $743