
Mount Carmel, IL Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Mount Carmel, IL homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Mount Carmel, IL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Tennyson 4 bedroom 13 $861
2 Browns 4 bedroom 15 $787
3 Denver 4 bedroom 28 $862
4 Merom 2 bedroom 52 $306
5 Bible Grove 3 bedroom 57 $481
6 South Muddy 3 bedroom 69 $975
7 Emma 3 bedroom 80 $268
8 Haddon 4 bedroom 99 $812
9 Allendale 3 bedroom 105 $411
10 Claremont 2 bedroom 165 $516
11 West Salem 2 bedroom 168 $256
12 Robinson 4 bedroom 245 $910
13 Hart 2 bedroom 257 $540
14 Lamard 3 bedroom 335 $585
15 Carter 3 bedroom 798 $687
16 Richland County 4 bedroom 814 $660
17 Mount Carmel 2 bedroom 1244 $490
18 Bainbridge 2 bedroom 1464 $756
19 Vincennes 2 bedroom 3681 $325
20 Warrick County 2 bedroom 5289 $591

Mount Carmel, IL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Twigg 13 $228 79 $304
2 Norris City 16 $220 155 $295
3 Salem No. 2 18 $219 106 $292
4 Winslow 21 $202 212 $271
5 Friendsville 40 $613 29 $820
6 Petersburg 41 $344 292 $461
7 Robb 48 $390 254 $522
8 Blair 55 $344 29 $461
9 Lawrenceville 60 $225 835 $301
10 Oblong 64 $355 353 $475
11 Hart 84 $440 83 $589
12 Fort Branch 153 $439 290 $588
13 Mount Carmel 343 $382 996 $511
14 Vincennes 522 $313 3287 $418
15 Wayne County 558 $386 1439 $516
16 Richland County 582 $365 1158 $488
17 Spottsville 894 $679 311 $908
18 Posey County 1003 $475 2158 $635
19 Scott 1147 $683 269 $913
20 Warrick County 4280 $728 1877 $974

Mount Carmel, IL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Cynthiana 201 $429 14 $300
2 Poseyville 427 $556 39 $339
3 Owensville 523 $463 14 $370
4 Big Mound 535 $311 58 $199
5 Hart 546 $511 23 $337
6 Fort Branch 978 $577 62 $369
7 Newburgh 1,156 $784 14 $509
8 Wade 1,568 $436 66 $327
9 Lawrenceville 1,918 $260 269 $163
10 Mount Vernon 2,425 $535 160 $321
11 Edwards County 2,523 $341 11 $272
12 Mount Carmel 3,214 $345 323 $248
13 Jasper County 3,471 $430 73 $266
14 Olney 3,777 $424 233 $271
15 Spottsville 4,323 $722 139 $498
16 Clay County 4,756 $453 98 $348
17 Henderson 8,928 $486 894 $325
18 Pigeon 10,856 $255 1,950 $175
19 Ohio 12,243 $796 495 $557
20 Evansville 38,681 $362 9,234 $278

Mount Carmel, IL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Songer 126 $640 33 $787
2 Crouch 156 $416 16 $507
3 Emma 159 $137 14 $161
4 Arrington 159 $189 15 $217
5 Friendsville 171 $491 11 $589
6 Bellmont 236 $520 15 $618
7 Carlisle 240 $276 74 $331
8 Enfield 352 $253 71 $328
9 Norris City 403 $255 154 $313
10 Harmony 442 $574 112 $671
11 Darmstadt 486 $744 46 $959
12 Hart 534 $487 89 $633
13 Palmyra 577 $588 69 $723
14 Newburgh 1053 $859 452 $1,056
15 Fairfield 1587 $345 968 $431
16 Corydon 2155 $376 516 $488
17 Mount Carmel 2638 $416 842 $520
18 Vincennes 5844 $338 3155 $439
19 Posey County 8542 $696 1521 $814
20 Warrick County 18482 $690 3924 $883