
Spectacular Bellwood, IL Homeowners Insurance Info

Save on your Bellwood, IL homeowners insurance by knowing this spectacular information that not a lot of people know

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Bellwood, IL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Sheridan 4 bedroom 44 $862
2 Waterman 2 bedroom 91 $797
3 Town of Pines 2 bedroom 115 $525
4 Knollwood 2 bedroom 147 $1,237
5 Stone Park 3 bedroom 560 $942
6 Bristol 3 bedroom 716 $1,012
7 Marengo 2 bedroom 811 $632
8 Little Rock 4 bedroom 1220 $1,567
9 Round Lake 4 bedroom 1607 $900
10 Boulder Hill 3 bedroom 1918 $796
11 Beach Park 3 bedroom 2188 $918
12 Bellwood 2 bedroom 2369 $675
13 Mundelein 2 bedroom 2396 $937
14 Deerfield 4 bedroom 2563 $3,055
15 Vernon Hills 4 bedroom 2964 $2,025
16 Grant 3 bedroom 4088 $1,035
17 South Holland 3 bedroom 4483 $845
18 Carol Stream 3 bedroom 5077 $1,215
19 Carpentersville 3 bedroom 5286 $666
20 Bremen 2 bedroom 9500 $845

Bellwood, IL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Bellwood 46 $771 992 $1,030
2 Lakes of the Four Seasons 50 $941 75 $1,258
3 Prospect Heights 98 $1,467 378 $1,962
4 Norridge 123 $1,331 447 $1,779
5 Fox 136 $1,467 254 $1,962
6 University Park 284 $724 67 $968
7 Schiller Park 324 $948 230 $1,268
8 La Grange 361 $1,828 2188 $2,444
9 Inverness 398 $2,793 77 $3,735
10 Plato 578 $1,316 246 $1,760
11 Zion 1070 $769 1638 $1,028
12 Winfield 1102 $913 133 $1,220
13 Cortland 1551 $1,015 189 $1,357
14 Minooka 2199 $841 30 $1,125
15 Niles 3193 $1,256 2919 $1,679
16 Fremont 3364 $1,430 288 $1,913
17 Bremen 3439 $916 2146 $1,225
18 Yorkville 3786 $1,033 470 $1,381
19 Lockport 7262 $816 1721 $1,091
20 Huntley 7750 $1,226 212 $1,639

Bellwood, IL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Dixmoor 633 $233 14 $144
2 Erienna 793 $1,264 79 $783
3 Saratoga 1,695 $896 346 $654
4 Braceville 2,048 $783 37 $493
5 Chicago Ridge 2,074 $813 1,927 $577
6 Steger 2,874 $496 788 $337
7 Frankfort Square 2,927 $1,162 91 $708
8 Prospect Heights 3,535 $1,280 1,693 $768
9 Richton Park 3,769 $775 1,140 $527
10 Markham 4,498 $624 22 $492
11 Bellwood 5,057 $984 89 $708
12 Griffith 5,083 $764 1,433 $565
13 Lake Forest 6,474 $5,197 666 $3,170
14 Bristol 7,943 $963 750 $770
15 Geneva 8,360 $1,558 713 $1,043
16 Grant 9,356 $1,004 1,125 $612
17 Oak Park 10,810 $1,624 8,027 $1,266
18 Grundy County 15,945 $988 940 $750
19 Calumet 37,439 $355 4,957 $213
20 48,446 $653 4,945 $430

Bellwood, IL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Diamond 672 $954 292 $1,182
2 Lakemoor 1551 $943 711 $1,122
3 Wilmington 1804 $833 726 $957
4 Kendall 2335 $1,371 540 $1,754
5 Burr Ridge 3556 $3,834 255 $4,447
6 Aux Sable 3624 $1,204 611 $1,384
7 Hanover 3892 $930 425 $1,134
8 Bellwood 4498 $918 1476 $1,147
9 Westchester 5542 $930 1993 $1,199
10 Dolton 5972 $594 2111 $700
11 Gurnee 8482 $1,394 2890 $1,798
12 Schererville 9032 $1,001 2716 $1,201
13 Ela 12883 $1,719 987 $2,131
14 Waukegan 15749 $581 13248 $743
15 Avon 16454 $893 4557 $1,116
16 New Trier 16841 $4,055 2268 $4,663
17 Oak Lawn 18012 $853 3703 $980
18 Algonquin 26815 $1,344 4540 $1,639
19 Kendall County 32214 $1,078 5603 $1,272
20 38674 $513 20152 $646