
Morton, IL Homeowners Insurance Ultimate Facts

Ultimate facts to help you get the most savings on your Morton, IL homeowners insurance quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Morton, IL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Indian Creek No. 7 4 bedroom 17 $993
2 Aetna 4 bedroom 42 $1,350
3 Akron 4 bedroom 47 $1,192
4 Latham 2 bedroom 51 $490
5 Oak Run 4 bedroom 53 $1,527
6 Laenna 2 bedroom 68 $350
7 Quiver 2 bedroom 123 $337
8 Allin 3 bedroom 128 $958
9 Dale 2 bedroom 145 $910
10 Dunlap 4 bedroom 172 $1,690
11 Knoxville 4 bedroom 178 $1,282
12 Roberts 2 bedroom 192 $495
13 Dillon 3 bedroom 195 $910
14 Toulon 2 bedroom 292 $525
15 Timber 2 bedroom 334 $483
16 Fancy Creek 2 bedroom 497 $926
17 Henry 3 bedroom 563 $675
18 Bruce 4 bedroom 732 $698
19 Morton 4 bedroom 1660 $1,300
20 Fondulac 3 bedroom 2607 $675

Morton, IL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Morton 10 $598 282 $843
2 Reading 10 $397 133 $560
3 Hallock 10 $925 46 $1,303
4 Downs 12 $727 26 $1,025
5 Radnor 14 $1,279 70 $1,802
6 Wapella 16 $408 34 $575
7 Fancy Creek 17 $754 119 $1,062
8 Heyworth 18 $727 65 $1,025
9 Randolph 18 $595 77 $838
10 Williams 19 $767 36 $1,082
11 Bruce 21 $300 738 $424
12 Streator 21 $321 767 $453
13 Indian Grove 22 $594 117 $837
14 Knox County 24 $384 2335 $542
15 De Witt County 60 $476 541 $671
16 Washington 62 $603 641 $850
17 Bloomington 154 $709 1200 $1,000
18 Peoria 212 $520 5412 $733
19 Peoria County 248 $614 8894 $866
20 McLean County 316 $535 2486 $754

Morton, IL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Latham 138 $484 12 $387
2 Akron 351 $910 22 $582
3 Cruger 504 $1,081 30 $821
4 Cazenovia 715 $489 19 $312
5 Eagle 717 $534 10 $325
6 Farmer City 775 $453 12 $294
7 Tremont 875 $966 14 $676
8 Roanoke 960 $603 12 $458
9 Mason City 1,008 $310 13 $238
10 Logan 1,216 $683 34 $443
11 Olio 1,279 $700 153 $553
12 West Peoria 1,752 $442 31 $300
13 West Lincoln 2,818 $385 248 $231
14 Clintonia 2,872 $372 166 $223
15 Medina 3,960 $998 160 $658
16 Morton 5,499 $717 502 $537
17 Washington 7,839 $901 369 $612
18 East Peoria 8,528 $792 699 $586
19 Peoria 36,132 $622 9,144 $478
20 McLean County 46,423 $845 10,122 $574

Morton, IL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Oran 62 $427 91 $550
2 Mapleton 91 $422 21 $535
3 Creek 92 $870 29 $1,131
4 Sugar Grove No. 5 129 $618 11 $716
5 Harp 133 $1,204 15 $1,468
6 Petersburg No. 16 193 $517 78 $666
7 South Pekin 327 $438 123 $512
8 White Oak 338 $816 36 $1,036
9 Glasford 338 $469 104 $548
10 Wenona 375 $358 91 $426
11 Martin 399 $446 71 $544
12 Towanda 452 $1,079 114 $1,359
13 Petersburg No. 15 527 $1,049 21 $1,332
14 Delavan 626 $532 179 $686
15 Heyworth 834 $645 198 $799
16 Olio 1093 $751 606 $886
17 Clinton 2068 $514 985 $611
18 West Lincoln 2368 $555 1370 $688
19 De Witt County 5246 $546 1524 $704
20 Morton 5288 $700 1418 $889