
Incredible Moraine, IL Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Moraine, IL homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Moraine, IL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Paddock Lake 4 bedroom 155 $1,260
2 Kildeer 5 or more bedrooms 235 $3,910
3 Walworth 2 bedroom 310 $715
4 Lakemoor 4 bedroom 405 $1,292
5 Richmond 4 bedroom 576 $2,430
6 Fox River Grove 4 bedroom 673 $1,182
7 La Grange 4 bedroom 1390 $3,120
8 Country Club Hills 4 bedroom 1796 $922
9 Schiller Park 3 bedroom 1808 $922
10 Glen Ellyn 2 bedroom 2065 $1,462
11 Sugar Grove 3 bedroom 2414 $1,282
12 Batavia 2 bedroom 2563 $1,087
13 Mundelein 3 bedroom 4739 $1,304
14 Moraine 3 bedroom 4952 $2,115
15 Waukegan 1 bedroom 5289 $472
16 Hanover Park 3 bedroom 6006 $956
17 Skokie 2 bedroom 7530 $877
18 Northfield 3 bedroom 10188 $2,915
19 Palatine 2 bedroom 15200 $1,237
20 Niles 3 bedroom 18318 $1,332

Moraine, IL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Paris 38 $1,658 10 $1,988
2 Ogden Dunes 40 $1,899 80 $2,277
3 Genoa City 79 $727 45 $872
4 Dunham 81 $889 14 $1,066
5 Randall 223 $1,471 74 $1,764
6 Lyons 224 $1,364 41 $1,636
7 Norridge 268 $1,366 755 $1,638
8 Round Lake Park 306 $852 123 $1,021
9 Blue Island 360 $760 1280 $912
10 Lincolnshire 402 $2,731 31 $3,275
11 Norway 500 $1,621 95 $1,943
12 Crest Hill 566 $779 422 $935
13 Dyer 613 $793 196 $951
14 Pleasant Prairie 676 $922 412 $1,106
15 Benton 1200 $957 270 $1,148
16 Moraine 1449 $2,336 837 $2,801
17 Lombard 1998 $1,481 1183 $1,776
18 Winfield 3425 $1,097 516 $1,315
19 Palos 4482 $1,092 614 $1,309
20 Aurora 6236 $956 2497 $1,147

Moraine, IL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Merrionette Park 537 $725 68 $485
2 Boone 650 $889 46 $551
3 Lakemoor 1,827 $825 436 $503
4 Palos Park 1,886 $1,968 68 $1,436
5 Marengo 2,104 $850 68 $569
6 Gages Lake 3,392 $1,141 329 $718
7 Riverdale 3,427 $440 822 $347
8 Hickory Hills 3,443 $1,146 935 $870
9 Greenwood 4,575 $768 261 $583
10 North Aurora 4,872 $1,110 649 $810
11 Griffith 5,083 $821 1,433 $533
12 Hinsdale 5,131 $4,723 728 $3,353
13 Rolling Meadows 5,555 $1,094 3,009 $722
14 Westchester 6,105 $1,415 31 $863
15 Lake Forest 6,474 $3,724 666 $2,457
16 Moraine 10,427 $2,477 2,122 $1,510
17 Batavia 10,615 $1,589 952 $985
18 Stickney 11,158 $938 657 $609
19 Elgin 26,534 $972 2,976 $670
20 Racine County 58,166 $925 7,855 $610

Moraine, IL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Pierce 150 $1,225 38 $1,408
2 Bannockburn 222 $5,300 54 $6,201
3 East Hazel Crest 399 $801 289 $937
4 Alden 448 $1,719 51 $1,976
5 Burlington 644 $1,767 90 $2,085
6 Union Grove 1112 $1,019 704 $1,273
7 Posen 1339 $810 429 $1,053
8 Lake Geneva 1541 $859 1827 $1,039
9 Harvard 1787 $591 1154 $685
10 Lake Bluff 1838 $2,849 262 $3,390
11 Willow Springs 1981 $1,910 359 $2,444
12 Winnetka 3545 $4,759 340 $5,901
13 Norridge 4689 $1,166 900 $1,445
14 Alsip 4721 $1,102 2576 $1,399
15 Brookfield 5342 $1,234 1660 $1,468
16 Chicago Heights 5899 $521 3736 $677
17 Wauconda 6310 $1,090 1680 $1,417
18 Round Lake Beach 6635 $651 1483 $794
19 Carpentersville 8236 $1,001 2844 $1,191
20 Moraine 10170 $2,629 2863 $3,023