
Handy Elgin, IL Homeowners Insurance Info

Critical information about Elgin, IL homeowners insurance which will come handy in getting the cheapest quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Elgin, IL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Afton 2 bedroom 82 $483
2 Miller 3 bedroom 114 $1,265
3 Lily Lake 3 bedroom 157 $1,125
4 Davis Junction 2 bedroom 160 $551
5 Burton 2 bedroom 197 $1,304
6 Elburn 2 bedroom 246 $1,304
7 Goose Lake 3 bedroom 437 $1,102
8 Winnebago 4 bedroom 473 $1,350
9 Cary 2 bedroom 685 $900
10 Greenwood 4 bedroom 1059 $1,365
11 Genoa 3 bedroom 1141 $731
12 Blackberry 3 bedroom 1334 $1,787
13 River Forest 3 bedroom 1376 $2,430
14 Beloit 4 bedroom 1939 $811
15 North Chicago 3 bedroom 2634 $756
16 St. Charles 2 bedroom 3706 $825
17 Carol Stream 2 bedroom 4646 $1,012
18 Leyden 2 bedroom 10855 $1,012
19 Elgin 2 bedroom 12170 $646
20 McHenry County 4 bedroom 30936 $1,650

Elgin, IL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Phoenix 52 $456 47 $531
2 Shabbona 55 $711 59 $829
3 Monroe 62 $908 153 $1,059
4 Spring Prairie 68 $1,289 125 $1,503
5 Indian Head Park 86 $1,306 788 $1,523
6 Virgil 110 $1,127 123 $1,314
7 Rochester 180 $934 178 $1,089
8 Dover 224 $892 248 $1,040
9 Hickory Hills 259 $926 1066 $1,080
10 Riverdale 315 $363 454 $424
11 Genoa City 368 $655 76 $763
12 Byron 412 $713 293 $831
13 Dunham 514 $800 99 $933
14 Wood Dale 579 $903 1368 $1,052
15 Hawthorn Woods 720 $2,448 259 $2,854
16 Leyden 1048 $887 3696 $1,034
17 Belvidere 2065 $818 1365 $953
18 Bartlett 2459 $1,514 2879 $1,766
19 Yorkville 3786 $1,033 506 $1,204
20 Elgin 5670 $742 5330 $865

Elgin, IL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Rosemont 382 $1,775 445 $1,189
2 Eagle Lake 504 $941 67 $658
3 Delavan 2,046 $605 281 $453
4 Lake Bluff 2,067 $3,756 30 $2,441
5 West Dundee 2,225 $1,132 404 $769
6 Somers 2,590 $1,033 267 $774
7 Bridgeview 3,401 $864 524 $596
8 Morris 4,141 $1,125 786 $742
9 Fox Lake 4,152 $926 790 $574
10 Cary 5,650 $1,369 200 $862
11 Mundelein 9,333 $1,352 1,319 $919
12 Highland Park 9,950 $2,347 1,769 $1,736
13 New Lenox 12,645 $1,537 320 $1,152
14 Homer 12,652 $1,728 381 $1,313
15 Troy 14,337 $1,072 1,442 $857
16 Oak Lawn 15,302 $1,279 4,293 $780
17 McHenry 16,996 $935 483 $589
18 Dundee 18,338 $962 1,803 $740
19 Elgin 26,534 $762 2,976 $556
20 Bloomingdale 30,953 $1,473 6,976 $1,178

Elgin, IL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Old Mill Creek 47 $4,025 41 $4,628
2 Monroe 516 $722 36 $851
3 Wheatland 1033 $895 110 $1,154
4 Deer Park 1074 $3,071 24 $3,715
5 Gilberts 2012 $1,345 91 $1,614
6 Winthrop Harbor 2148 $1,209 404 $1,474
7 Oak Brook 2730 $4,150 167 $4,897
8 Channahon 3437 $988 363 $1,205
9 La Grange Park 3659 $1,564 1791 $1,970
10 Crestwood 3822 $997 746 $1,256
11 Crest Hill 5400 $862 2286 $1,111
12 Shields 5923 $2,813 3322 $3,656
13 DeKalb 7341 $715 9155 $900
14 Geneva 7799 $1,363 1663 $1,635
15 Hanover Park 8717 $842 2160 $968
16 Buffalo Grove 13364 $1,572 2949 $2,043
17 Boone County 15021 $839 2843 $1,048
18 Arlington Heights 23079 $1,820 6936 $2,275
19 Elgin 24981 $800 10320 $1,032
20 Downers Grove 43648 $1,430 12757 $1,673