
Excellent Camas County, ID Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Camas County, ID homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Camas County, ID & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Fairfield 1 bedroom 32 $253
2 Dietrich 2 bedroom 39 $271
3 Camas 3 bedroom 67 $765
4 Bellevue 1 bedroom 93 $495
5 Camas 2 bedroom 141 $357
6 Richfield 3 bedroom 155 $440
7 Hagerman 4 bedroom 177 $797
8 Bliss 3 bedroom 225 $390
9 Shoshone 4 bedroom 266 $675
10 Camas County 3 bedroom 292 $581
11 Sun Valley 4 bedroom 533 $2,805
12 Glenns Ferry 3 bedroom 582 $440
13 Wendell 2 bedroom 600 $385
14 Gooding 2 bedroom 701 $218
15 Gooding County 4 bedroom 869 $450
16 Hailey 2 bedroom 1016 $450
17 Bellevue 4 bedroom 1079 $1,530
18 Blaine County 4 bedroom 2459 $1,215
19 Ketchum 2 bedroom 2481 $1,530
20 Elmore County 2 bedroom 3340 $227

Camas County, ID Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Richfield 17 $408 54 $489
2 Carey 22 $553 51 $663
3 Fairfield 27 $271 26 $325
4 Camas 47 $499 64 $598
5 Camas 50 $571 16 $685
6 Shoshone 90 $337 130 $404
7 Camas County 97 $481 80 $577
8 Lincoln County 107 $329 184 $395
9 Glenns Ferry 122 $336 124 $403
10 Hagerman 126 $531 69 $637
11 Gooding 140 $376 266 $451
12 Bellevue 155 $754 40 $904
13 Wendell 203 $487 103 $584
14 Hailey 447 $871 15 $1,044
15 Sun Valley 450 $2,660 10 $3,189
16 Gooding County 525 $395 449 $474
17 Bellevue 895 $1,027 145 $1,231
18 Elmore County 1071 $370 312 $444
19 Ketchum 1260 $2,774 109 $3,327
20 Blaine County 2177 $1,098 305 $1,317

Camas County, ID home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Bellevue 673 $657 21 $486
2 Hagerman 759 $373 25 $253
3 Glenns Ferry 1,050 $488 79 $346
4 Sun Valley 1,060 $2,647 142 $1,958
5 Wendell 1,552 $388 26 $291
6 Gooding 1,962 $375 40 $251
7 Hailey 2,612 $807 260 $516
8 Ketchum 4,054 $2,301 666 $1,610
9 Gooding County 4,642 $458 98 $366
10 Bellevue 5,246 $817 281 $514
11 Elmore County 8,953 $468 118 $318
12 Blaine County 9,732 $1,376 947 $990

Camas County, ID home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Dietrich 91 $295 24 $371
2 Camas 103 $569 45 $665
3 Carey 224 $624 160 $755
4 Bliss 254 $375 182 $446
5 Richfield 259 $336 83 $406
6 Camas County 296 $496 153 $624
7 Sun Valley 364 $2,382 167 $2,786
8 Bellevue 504 $798 324 $1,013
9 Hagerman 704 $435 245 $508
10 Glenns Ferry 848 $335 324 $415
11 Shoshone 972 $374 345 $452
12 Lincoln County 1231 $341 428 $429
13 Wendell 1402 $333 478 $382
14 Gooding 1560 $289 711 $369
15 Ketchum 2025 $2,761 1151 $3,230
16 Hailey 2257 $956 994 $1,118
17 Gooding County 3920 $356 1616 $437
18 Bellevue 4023 $1,022 1627 $1,257
19 Elmore County 6226 $426 3328 $502
20 Blaine County 6272 $1,417 2938 $1,799