
Excellent Notus, ID Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Notus, ID homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Notus, ID & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Sweet 4 bedroom 113 $900
2 Malheur Junction 3 bedroom 115 $637
3 Owyhee 3 bedroom 123 $543
4 Notus 4 bedroom 205 $797
5 Dead Ox Flat 3 bedroom 218 $520
6 Hidden Spring 4 bedroom 239 $1,350
7 Homedale 2 bedroom 443 $262
8 Huston 3 bedroom 602 $552
9 Boise Hills 4 bedroom 676 $877
10 Vale 3 bedroom 768 $481
11 Parma 3 bedroom 806 $371
12 New Plymouth 3 bedroom 900 $520
13 Star 3 bedroom 1032 $455
14 Middleton 4 bedroom 1267 $852
15 Payette County 4 bedroom 1349 $675
16 Weiser 3 bedroom 1496 $398
17 Garden City 2 bedroom 1807 $568
18 Meridian 4 bedroom 8085 $907
19 Canyon County 4 bedroom 13498 $607
20 Boise 4 bedroom 25957 $770

Notus, ID Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Crouch 11 $507 13 $619
2 Owyhee 11 $622 12 $760
3 Malheur Junction 25 $514 10 $627
4 Dead Ox Flat 30 $557 66 $680
5 Robie Creek 44 $631 18 $771
6 Homedale 111 $242 82 $296
7 Marsing 199 $490 152 $598
8 Parma 222 $378 68 $461
9 Notus 278 $510 70 $623
10 Fruitland 692 $345 365 $422
11 Garden City 786 $460 184 $562
12 Payette County 1347 $351 699 $428
13 Orchard 1360 $584 112 $713
14 Middleton 1903 $613 201 $749
15 Kuna 3388 $335 75 $409
16 Eagle 5458 $640 236 $782
17 Caldwell 6802 $327 956 $400
18 Nampa 17099 $333 1902 $407
19 Canyon County 23118 $412 3546 $503
20 Boise 31843 $565 7960 $690

Notus, ID home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Malheur Junction 259 $489 30 $303
2 Vale 1,108 $385 37 $231
3 Homedale 1,184 $327 22 $255
4 Parma 1,369 $418 28 $280
5 Emmett 1,999 $343 200 $205
6 Payette 2,840 $334 82 $223
7 Garden City 3,194 $474 574 $322
8 Washington County 3,548 $362 179 $231
9 Ontario 3,795 $343 304 $250
10 Emmett Valley 4,039 $504 200 $332
11 Orchard 4,896 $732 198 $475
12 Middleton 4,917 $452 75 $275
13 Payette County 6,869 $469 105 $314
14 Eagle 11,523 $787 172 $582
15 Caldwell 13,114 $362 585 $278
16 Meridian 24,852 $623 747 $461
17 Nampa 35,201 $383 858 $233
18 Canyon County 55,280 $416 1,538 $312
19 Boise 100,935 $492 11,958 $369
20 Ada County 125,019 $637 12,328 $414

Notus, ID home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Bench 48 $1,360 50 $1,768
2 Crouch 61 $497 44 $621
3 Adrian 225 $718 113 $832
4 Midvale 236 $380 57 $471
5 Robie Creek 436 $654 14 $837
6 Notus 543 $581 253 $679
7 Horseshoe Bend 617 $347 176 $433
8 Hidden Spring 628 $842 72 $976
9 Marsing 765 $361 348 $454
10 Homedale 791 $317 635 $402
11 Vale 935 $471 425 $546
12 Huston 1009 $593 184 $693
13 Emmett 1395 $368 1161 $452
14 Boise Hills 1819 $768 179 $967
15 Fruitland 2547 $425 506 $501
16 Middleton 4197 $452 899 $542
17 Meridian 19615 $506 6366 $607
18 Canyon County 44490 $470 18522 $540
19 Boise 81245 $643 43149 $803
20 Ada County 102040 $599 47844 $688