
Handy Madison, IA Homeowners Insurance Info

Critical information about Madison, IA homeowners insurance which will come handy in getting the cheapest quotes

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Madison, IA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Alexandria 1 bedroom 12 $240
2 Birmingham 5 or more bedrooms 15 $1,260
3 Westwood 3 bedroom 20 $1,256
4 Pontoosuc 4 bedroom 21 $825
5 Maharishi Vedic City 3 bedroom 21 $2,062
6 Columbus 4 bedroom 23 $1,677
7 St. Francisville 2 bedroom 24 $450
8 Floyd 4 bedroom 29 $976
9 Eliza 5 or more bedrooms 32 $2,665
10 Bald Bluff 3 bedroom 41 $1,137
11 Rock Creek 4 bedroom 52 $958
12 Union 1 bedroom 58 $315
13 Keene 4 bedroom 68 $1,153
14 Bethel 3 bedroom 69 $686
15 Fountain Green 3 bedroom 71 $533
16 Dallas City 4 bedroom 140 $991
17 Flint River 2 bedroom 275 $832
18 West Burlington 3 bedroom 402 $921
19 Memphis 2 bedroom 412 $708
20 Madison 3 bedroom 1672 $568

Madison, IA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Berwick 14 $426 21 $520
2 St. Albans 16 $300 39 $366
3 Lewistown 17 $292 36 $356
4 Roseville 19 $506 32 $618
5 Round Prairie 21 $657 14 $802
6 Wayland 22 $704 40 $860
7 Indian Point 30 $437 61 $533
8 Warsaw 34 $460 79 $562
9 New Boston 37 $475 71 $580
10 Scotland 38 $454 15 $554
11 Gilmer 43 $730 21 $891
12 Wapello 44 $645 113 $787
13 Bushnell 73 $439 144 $537
14 Madison 114 $510 612 $623
15 Carthage 127 $482 196 $588
16 Monmouth 281 $609 566 $743
17 Louisa County 287 $629 400 $769
18 Mount Pleasant 317 $776 555 $948
19 Hancock County 565 $608 974 $742
20 Quincy 1286 $601 2292 $734

Madison, IA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Maharishi Vedic City 33 $2,437 21 $1,730
2 Scotland 176 $469 15 $323
3 Bowen 244 $419 11 $276
4 Chili 291 $349 11 $223
5 Keosauqua 416 $505 30 $404
6 Tompkins 449 $430 12 $279
7 Kahoka 739 $407 15 $321
8 West Burlington 926 $708 265 $531
9 Carthage 1,210 $771 35 $470
10 Clark County 2,660 $379 15 $299
11 Schuyler County 2,948 $528 27 $374
12 Van Buren County 3,096 $378 30 $302
13 Fairfield 3,202 $646 238 $465
14 Madison 3,905 $521 358 $395
15 Louisa County 4,003 $611 23 $409
16 Jefferson County 5,683 $639 278 $492
17 Warren County 6,464 $572 397 $411
18 Hancock County 7,840 $544 85 $386
19 Lee County 12,671 $575 807 $356
20 Adams County 23,607 $748 1,194 $516

Madison, IA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Hillsboro 62 $289 30 $358
2 Knox City 107 $198 37 $255
3 Eliza 120 $1,331 30 $1,530
4 Letts 129 $642 14 $776
5 Columbus 131 $1,612 41 $1,869
6 Ewing 144 $392 71 $470
7 Appanoose 192 $712 36 $925
8 Bonaparte 200 $327 42 $402
9 Locust Grove 265 $487 63 $579
10 Oregon 271 $800 40 $976
11 Danville 308 $691 79 $898
12 Stronghurst 327 $672 150 $826
13 Beaverdale 332 $880 63 $1,126
14 Dallas City 375 $522 140 $662
15 Emmet 459 $791 51 $1,004
16 Colchester 609 $509 141 $626
17 Memphis 620 $353 275 $430
18 Henderson County 2594 $616 625 $733
19 Fairfield 2625 $522 1384 $615
20 Madison 2876 $399 1342 $482