
Clarinda, IA Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Clarinda, IA homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Clarinda, IA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Graham 1 bedroom 10 $431
2 Clearmont 1 bedroom 12 $356
3 Allen 1 bedroom 16 $516
4 Pymosa 3 bedroom 24 $770
5 Wiota 2 bedroom 27 $518
6 Conception Junction 3 bedroom 28 $720
7 Blockton 3 bedroom 34 $368
8 Middle Fork 3 bedroom 39 $731
9 Craig 3 bedroom 52 $542
10 Bogle 2 bedroom 59 $425
11 Waveland 3 bedroom 62 $1,105
12 Skidmore 2 bedroom 66 $462
13 Pacific Junction 3 bedroom 71 $1,072
14 Afton 4 bedroom 72 $958
15 Fontanelle 3 bedroom 145 $742
16 Stanberry 2 bedroom 170 $412
17 Liberty 2 bedroom 209 $1,056
18 Hamburg 2 bedroom 257 $612
19 Corning 3 bedroom 371 $507
20 Clarinda 2 bedroom 667 $673

Clarinda, IA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Craig 12 $306 11 $352
2 Liberty 15 $1,172 22 $1,347
3 Amity 17 $517 15 $594
4 Murray 20 $807 21 $927
5 Stanton 20 $576 25 $662
6 Griswold 21 $570 30 $656
7 Bedford 34 $360 52 $414
8 Oakland 42 $647 113 $743
9 Belknap 42 $621 113 $713
10 45 $435 80 $500
11 Clarinda 90 $452 187 $519
12 Quincy 107 $568 51 $653
13 Auburn 123 $497 128 $571
14 Red Oak 140 $538 368 $619
15 Holt County 207 $491 234 $564
16 Plattsmouth 241 $665 301 $764
17 Atlantic 395 $640 448 $735
18 Cass County 542 $574 704 $660
19 Polk 667 $925 426 $1,063
20 Pottawattamie County 2608 $814 5756 $935

Clarinda, IA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Maitland 121 $457 10 $356
2 Oakland 573 $823 45 $617
3 Belknap 581 $788 45 $606
4 Mount Ayr 594 $522 44 $375
5 600 $427 31 $333
6 Rock Port 601 $440 21 $277
7 Corning 741 $482 22 $327
8 Quincy 764 $455 22 $300
9 Adams County 1,759 $713 22 $513
10 Clarinda 1,943 $570 188 $364
11 Shenandoah 2,077 $436 213 $300
12 Nodaway 2,177 $561 188 $409
13 Atlantic 2,419 $680 279 $476
14 Gentry County 2,594 $539 66 $425
15 Nebraska City 2,613 $563 232 $416
16 Creston 2,807 $699 286 $545
17 Fremont County 2,985 $606 23 $381
18 Polk 3,635 $1,018 553 $753
19 Montgomery County 4,457 $563 159 $354
20 Page County 6,249 $504 413 $393

Clarinda, IA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Parnell 49 $150 13 $189
2 Tingley 81 $355 27 $418
3 Bogle 87 $207 34 $254
4 Dale 87 $520 38 $670
5 Coin 91 $332 12 $388
6 Skidmore 108 $270 29 $332
7 Brownville 145 $630 14 $774
8 Fairfax 197 $425 59 $548
9 Stanton 219 $632 36 $758
10 Farragut 228 $528 46 $617
11 Summerset 332 $528 87 $612
12 Cooper 489 $620 210 $793
13 Albany 600 $497 226 $616
14 Worth County 740 $402 239 $522
15 Clarinda 1355 $480 591 $614
16 Atchison County 1730 $645 717 $793
17 Nemaha County 2127 $520 925 $618
18 Creston 2169 $673 1203 $841
19 Montgomery County 3418 $609 1191 $791
20 Pottawattamie County 25709 $947 10763 $1,117