
Iowa Falls, IA Homeowners Insurance Remarkable Stats

These remarkable stats about Iowa Falls, IA homeowners insurance, can save you a bundle on your insurance costs.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Iowa Falls, IA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Rock Falls 4 bedroom 10 $1,153
2 Randall 4 bedroom 12 $921
3 Aredale 2 bedroom 15 $368
4 Malaka 2 bedroom 17 $652
5 Ellington 4 bedroom 32 $1,642
6 Felix 4 bedroom 48 $1,507
7 Dougherty 3 bedroom 55 $866
8 Alden 2 bedroom 82 $647
9 New Hartford 2 bedroom 110 $647
10 New Albany 2 bedroom 133 $797
11 Wellsburg 3 bedroom 160 $921
12 Hubbard 3 bedroom 180 $641
13 Denver 2 bedroom 183 $838
14 Greencastle 3 bedroom 225 $525
15 Huxley 2 bedroom 240 $888
16 Eagle Grove 4 bedroom 273 $1,023
17 Slater 3 bedroom 274 $1,072
18 Britt 2 bedroom 276 $381
19 Palestine 2 bedroom 475 $948
20 Iowa Falls 2 bedroom 998 $533

Iowa Falls, IA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Alden 10 $447 89 $545
2 Clarksville 22 $551 66 $672
3 Worth 23 $940 25 $1,148
4 Collins 24 $612 19 $748
5 Radcliffe 25 $562 24 $687
6 Belmond 29 $428 178 $522
7 Reinbeck 34 $685 67 $837
8 Conrad 35 $640 51 $782
9 Ellsworth 47 $745 20 $910
10 Pleasant 50 $438 180 $534
11 Indian Village 63 $553 47 $676
12 Hampton 64 $564 269 $689
13 Bradford 83 $514 125 $628
14 Iowa Falls 85 $610 354 $745
15 Rock Grove 90 $538 47 $657
16 Indian Creek 92 $847 72 $1,035
17 Palermo 109 $842 150 $1,028
18 Lafayette 153 $794 299 $970
19 Story City 299 $844 299 $1,030
20 Timber Creek 456 $738 834 $901

Iowa Falls, IA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Goldfield 282 $474 18 $331
2 Colo 330 $770 23 $539
3 Allison 465 $580 17 $359
4 New Albany 470 $995 23 $646
5 Roland 485 $734 14 $484
6 Shell Rock 613 $769 47 $522
7 Traer 665 $670 25 $415
8 Reinbeck 707 $621 55 $484
9 Hudson 817 $1,201 50 $828
10 Eldora 970 $592 24 $372
11 Iowa Falls 2,028 $542 174 $368
12 Waverly 2,765 $1,156 286 $786
13 Charles City 3,102 $508 242 $396
14 Timber Creek 3,489 $880 378 $528
15 Franklin County 4,222 $579 83 $463
16 Hancock County 4,644 $603 154 $434
17 Grundy County 4,851 $888 109 $603
18 Hamilton County 5,963 $612 208 $416
19 Marshalltown 8,319 $761 882 $525
20 Cedar Falls 9,568 $1,076 2,352 $796

Iowa Falls, IA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Kamrar 81 $341 10 $416
2 Ross 96 $504 39 $589
3 Bath 105 $1,290 13 $1,625
4 Marble Rock 105 $349 27 $422
5 Providence 112 $588 28 $682
6 Garwin 198 $541 23 $649
7 Rudd 238 $524 74 $660
8 Cambridge 246 $843 58 $986
9 Dumont 255 $528 42 $686
10 Garden 277 $575 102 $695
11 Allison 356 $491 64 $623
12 Greencastle 366 $647 89 $808
13 Lyon 400 $610 114 $762
14 Clarksville 443 $682 117 $859
15 Nashua 597 $554 170 $653
16 Etna 607 $676 165 $845
17 Howard 668 $1,331 238 $1,690
18 Pleasant 835 $542 219 $639
19 Iowa Falls 1496 $595 774 $755
20 Franklin 5935 $1,527 3278 $1,862