
Excellent Dickinson County, IA Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Dickinson County, IA homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Dickinson County, IA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Matlock 4 bedroom 10 $1,155
2 Bingham Lake 4 bedroom 11 $1,072
3 Selma 2 bedroom 18 $595
4 Petersburg 4 bedroom 20 $990
5 Magnolia 4 bedroom 22 $776
6 Fox Lake 4 bedroom 23 $1,755
7 Iowa Lake 3 bedroom 26 $1,917
8 Havelock 4 bedroom 28 $647
9 La Crosse 3 bedroom 28 $893
10 Pleasant Prairie 4 bedroom 33 $2,090
11 Welcome 2 bedroom 113 $412
12 Sutherland 3 bedroom 143 $665
13 East Holman 4 bedroom 159 $1,040
14 Wheeler 2 bedroom 163 $456
15 Milford 4 bedroom 193 $1,642
16 Wahpeton 3 bedroom 224 $2,090
17 Sheldon 4 bedroom 420 $1,312
18 Estherville 2 bedroom 860 $630
19 Center Grove 4 bedroom 947 $2,282
20 Dickinson County 4 bedroom 2181 $1,350

Dickinson County, IA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Middletown 11 $1,239 28 $1,424
2 East Holman 13 $875 159 $1,006
3 Hospers 14 $575 34 $661
4 Okoboji 15 $2,827 23 $3,249
5 Rutland 17 $1,197 26 $1,376
6 Mallard 17 $301 43 $346
7 Swea City 19 $280 38 $322
8 Sioux Rapids 25 $410 60 $471
9 Westbrook 27 $415 73 $477
10 Everly 36 $478 48 $549
11 Mountain Lake 37 $357 210 $411
12 Orleans 50 $2,588 50 $2,975
13 Arnolds Park 60 $955 46 $1,098
14 Rock Rapids 64 $749 177 $861
15 Osceola County 87 $458 543 $526
16 Okoboji 109 $952 123 $1,094
17 Windom 208 $697 462 $801
18 Spirit Lake 288 $1,100 305 $1,264
19 Martin County 683 $574 1510 $660
20 Dickinson County 944 $1,026 1086 $1,179

Dickinson County, IA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Heron Lake 274 $492 48 $354
2 Westbrook 301 $391 34 $308
3 Welcome 302 $562 11 $387
4 Sherburn 399 $620 34 $390
5 Truman 439 $508 63 $370
6 Sanborn 461 $561 40 $364
7 Hartley 749 $441 47 $326
8 West Holman 822 $516 29 $330
9 Rock Rapids 968 $615 150 $412
10 Sibley 1,193 $573 29 $372
11 Jackson 1,202 $685 211 $527
12 Windom 1,825 $720 162 $475
13 Lakeville 1,838 $2,910 166 $1,949
14 Cherokee 2,160 $579 360 $411
15 Watonwan County 4,052 $637 334 $509
16 Cherokee County 4,908 $512 371 $307
17 O'Brien County 5,611 $696 466 $528
18 Buena Vista County 6,669 $700 541 $476
19 Martin County 8,133 $602 865 $463
20 Dickinson County 10,065 $1,113 825 $767

Dickinson County, IA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Lotts Creek 38 $576 10 $748
2 Avoca 43 $263 16 $328
3 Goewey 44 $1,053 16 $1,221
4 Northrop 82 $497 19 $611
5 Delafield 94 $1,033 19 $1,229
6 Melvin 98 $289 21 $364
7 Fraser 100 $681 22 $844
8 Rushmore 112 $422 23 $531
9 Sioux Rapids 194 $408 105 $522
10 Graettinger 251 $561 128 $678
11 Welcome 274 $627 55 $764
12 Orleans 299 $2,541 15 $3,303
13 Armstrong 342 $503 51 $638
14 Sanborn 391 $649 139 $746
15 Lincoln 790 $807 131 $960
16 Milford 935 $794 426 $921
17 Holland 1686 $1,073 312 $1,384
18 Spencer 3498 $626 1510 $769
19 Jackson County 3526 $627 994 $796
20 Dickinson County 6229 $943 1845 $1,112