
Incredible Rich Mountain, GA Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Rich Mountain, GA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Rich Mountain, GA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Eton 2 bedroom 34 $472
2 Talmo 3 bedroom 74 $1,327
3 Andrews 1 bedroom 92 $350
4 Cherry Log 2 bedroom 106 $605
5 Epworth 2 bedroom 173 $325
6 Hiawassee 3 bedroom 709 $1,787
7 Clarkesville 4 bedroom 826 $1,237
8 Cleveland 4 bedroom 970 $1,127
9 Three Sisters Mountain 4 bedroom 1133 $1,155
10 Rich Mountain 3 bedroom 1333 $796
11 Cherokee County 4 bedroom 1363 $787
12 Dawsonville 3 bedroom 1927 $937
13 Canton 4 bedroom 2666 $1,347
14 Union County 2 bedroom 4260 $728
15 Fannin County 2 bedroom 5022 $540
16 Alpharetta 4 bedroom 6010 $2,025
17 Gordon County 2 bedroom 6353 $498
18 Cobb 5 or more bedrooms 9562 $2,805
19 Murray County 3 bedroom 9822 $577
20 Dalton 3 bedroom 12223 $562

Rich Mountain, GA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Raoul 52 $377 56 $439
2 Cleveland 64 $207 164 $241
3 Benton 132 $334 165 $390
4 Cisco 178 $391 355 $456
5 Brasstown 196 $653 85 $761
6 Tusquittee 255 $630 33 $735
7 Valleytown 260 $415 695 $484
8 Mobile 293 $815 209 $950
9 Ludville 390 $624 252 $727
10 Talking Rock 487 $544 220 $635
11 Rich Mountain 563 $761 418 $887
12 Ellijay 595 $590 400 $688
13 Emerson 705 $588 915 $685
14 Pine Log 1016 $769 668 $896
15 Waleska 1031 $893 422 $1,041
16 Cleveland 1908 $640 1018 $746
17 Pickens County 3616 $624 1628 $727
18 Dalton 4099 $468 5166 $546
19 Whitfield County 5694 $523 7670 $610
20 Duluth 13640 $1,080 2029 $1,259

Rich Mountain, GA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Andrews 449 $428 24 $312
2 Demorest 537 $561 16 $370
3 Catoosa Springs 1,622 $539 18 $328
4 Collegedale 2,025 $693 91 $464
5 Valleytown 2,791 $448 24 $295
6 Whitfield 3,491 $670 26 $536
7 Dawsonville 3,511 $1,018 24 $814
8 Three Sisters Mountain 4,591 $946 27 $709
9 Blacks Mill 5,098 $919 188 $670
10 Clay County 5,514 $688 26 $440
11 Polk County 5,770 $447 18 $272
12 Lathemtown 6,433 $1,548 34 $1,006
13 Cleveland 7,071 $811 81 $567
14 Acworth 7,327 $756 1,087 $498
15 Ringgold 7,886 $633 206 $417
16 Cleveland 11,330 $853 1,111 $614
17 Flowery Branch 12,207 $1,064 477 $829
18 Sugar Hill 14,432 $1,142 847 $799
19 Gainesville 21,258 $899 3,966 $665
20 Bartow County 29,346 $770 1,208 $462

Rich Mountain, GA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Calhoun 162 $430 36 $511
2 Cohutta 215 $867 70 $1,101
3 Resaca 218 $639 111 $830
4 Tunnel Hill 230 $461 100 $557
5 Mount Airy 308 $673 142 $800
6 Rich Mountain 1353 $682 390 $845
7 Notla 1491 $709 399 $900
8 Baldwin 1500 $773 430 $950
9 Redbud 1705 $460 401 $579
10 Morganton 1741 $778 291 $1,003
11 Tate 3702 $1,074 664 $1,288
12 Blacks Mill 4087 $973 1349 $1,264
13 Chestatee 4140 $1,067 953 $1,365
14 Lumpkin County 7560 $710 3222 $915
15 Sugar Hill 11740 $1,142 3551 $1,473
16 Dalton 15221 $651 9417 $787
17 Holly Springs 15724 $1,026 2302 $1,220
18 Whitfield County 22919 $554 11554 $642
19 Cumming 23809 $1,361 4850 $1,687
20 Forsyth County 48849 $1,489 7845 $1,905