
Incredible Cumming, GA Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Cumming, GA homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Cumming, GA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Yonah 2 bedroom 10 $687
2 Sautee Nacoochee 3 bedroom 37 $812
3 Nelson 3 bedroom 271 $945
4 Gresham Park 4 bedroom 467 $1,057
5 Clarkston 3 bedroom 578 $701
6 Dawsonville 4 bedroom 806 $1,332
7 Dawson County 2 bedroom 1769 $975
8 Winder 2 bedroom 2239 $428
9 Bogart 3 bedroom 2305 $942
10 Stone Mountain 1 bedroom 2789 $490
11 Murrayville 3 bedroom 3416 $843
12 Snellville 3 bedroom 3528 $768
13 Cumming 5 or more bedrooms 5083 $1,687
14 Mableton 2 bedroom 5180 $728
15 Gilmer County 2 bedroom 5401 $573
16 Rockdale County 2 bedroom 5777 $573
17 Norcross 2 bedroom 8150 $1,106
18 Roswell 3 bedroom 9644 $1,182
19 Lithia Springs 3 bedroom 13582 $937
20 Doraville 3 bedroom 15118 $1,595

Cumming, GA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built 1939 or earlier Insurance on homes Built 1939 or earlier
1 Taylorsville 27 $626 43 $793
2 Pine Lake 32 $780 52 $988
3 Oxford 37 $393 63 $498
4 Conley 127 $404 30 $513
5 Druid Hills 573 $2,058 1110 $2,607
6 Fairmount 650 $574 134 $728
7 Morganton 815 $810 141 $1,027
8 Fair Oaks 826 $454 193 $575
9 Clarkesville 1714 $751 274 $952
10 Winder 2000 $559 410 $709
11 Blairsville 2473 $1,095 329 $1,387
12 Douglasville 3336 $608 150 $770
13 Dallas 3480 $674 203 $854
14 Union County 3780 $954 459 $1,208
15 Morrow 3897 $573 344 $726
16 Duluth 4762 $1,038 108 $1,315
17 Clarke County unified government 9829 $769 2509 $975
18 Bartow County 10127 $696 1246 $882
19 Cumming 10410 $1,252 290 $1,586
20 DeKalb County 44008 $730 10895 $925

Cumming, GA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Bishop 62 $594 12 $356
2 Avondale Estates 1,127 $1,465 45 $893
3 Ellijay 2,106 $608 159 $431
4 Carters Lake 3,389 $523 83 $413
5 Union City 4,285 $535 1,771 $358
6 Suwanee 4,478 $1,156 790 $890
7 Three Sisters Mountain 4,591 $718 27 $481
8 Decatur 5,812 $1,565 1,798 $1,032
9 Monroe 6,125 $622 125 $416
10 Cleveland 7,071 $690 81 $483
11 Duluth 7,387 $797 2,218 $597
12 Winder 7,439 $665 166 $405
13 Union County 11,678 $1,074 340 $805
14 Mableton 17,430 $875 2,415 $551
15 Norcross 17,965 $909 5,275 $618
16 Lithia Springs 19,876 $768 4,252 $537
17 Johns Creek 23,576 $1,713 2,374 $1,301
18 Cumming 28,752 $1,212 1,014 $787
19 Cherokee County 71,121 $835 5,975 $551
20 Cobb County 210,538 $1,075 46,133 $698

Cumming, GA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Carl 48 $597 16 $710
2 Talmo 61 $1,130 20 $1,322
3 Raoul 118 $417 48 $479
4 Porterdale 263 $454 350 $576
5 Lakeview Estates 272 $110 231 $143
6 Gresham Park 1695 $694 1041 $853
7 Carters Lake 2376 $523 797 $611
8 Lithia Springs 3295 $508 2619 $619
9 Dahlonega 3795 $775 1837 $922
10 Blacks Mill 4087 $1,081 1349 $1,383
11 Clarkesville 4192 $659 887 $784
12 Blairsville 4336 $825 1453 $1,014
13 Snellville 5693 $788 820 $985
14 Duluth 6018 $1,014 4551 $1,257
15 Stone Mountain 7984 $842 7171 $976
16 Powder Springs 10528 $854 2039 $1,007
17 Flowery Branch 10867 $1,104 2188 $1,402
18 Cumming 23809 $1,163 4850 $1,500
19 Grayson 40821 $871 7513 $1,045
20 Cherokee County 60644 $797 15293 $1,004