
Blountstown, FL Homeowners Insurance Excellent Metrics

Understanding these excellent metrics will take you a long way in getting the cheapest deal on your Blountstown, FL homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Blountstown, FL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Panacea 2 bedroom 102 $1,106
2 Jacob City 3 bedroom 105 $1,960
3 Malone 4 bedroom 109 $3,201
4 Lake Mystic 3 bedroom 113 $2,148
5 Gordon 2 bedroom 259 $1,487
6 Chattahoochee 4 bedroom 304 $3,168
7 Greenwood 4 bedroom 342 $3,493
8 Liberty County 4 bedroom 370 $3,787
9 Steam Mill 2 bedroom 454 $1,487
10 Liberty 2 bedroom 775 $1,942
11 Youngstown 2 bedroom 901 $1,828
12 Parker 3 bedroom 1126 $3,526
13 Calhoun 3 bedroom 1141 $2,441
14 Blountstown 3 bedroom 1391 $1,531
15 Carrabelle 2 bedroom 1441 $3,176
16 Chipley 3 bedroom 1846 $1,994
17 Tallahassee 4 bedroom 2085 $5,287
18 Jackson County 4 bedroom 2331 $2,860
19 Lower Grand Lagoon 2 bedroom 3239 $3,993
20 Callaway 3 bedroom 3798 $2,762

Blountstown, FL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Jacob City 23 $809 17 $1,077
2 Grand Ridge 49 $1,276 22 $1,700
3 Steam Mill 50 $1,248 51 $1,662
4 Malone 151 $1,263 45 $1,682
5 Brinson 172 $947 39 $1,261
6 Blountstown 253 $1,321 178 $1,759
7 Greenwood 289 $1,548 82 $2,061
8 Tyndall AFB 322 $-20 41 $-27
9 Eastpoint 356 $3,050 111 $4,062
10 Liberty 365 $1,455 81 $1,937
11 Cottonwood 372 $1,580 120 $2,103
12 Carrabelle 591 $3,081 561 $4,103
13 Wewahitchka 620 $1,696 84 $2,259
14 Tallahassee 991 $1,361 272 $1,812
15 Leon 1382 $2,557 72 $3,405
16 Washington County 1915 $1,400 349 $1,865
17 Tallahassee Central 2249 $2,390 1743 $3,182
18 Gadsden County 2762 $2,432 1160 $3,239
19 Panama City 5376 $2,417 3058 $3,218
20 Leon County 23441 $3,131 3366 $4,169

Blountstown, FL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Sopchoppy 129 $2,720 12 $1,849
2 Cedar Grove 619 $2,013 71 $1,248
3 Pretty Bayou 1,271 $4,598 21 $3,080
4 Graceville 1,383 $2,414 67 $1,665
5 Mexico Beach 1,655 $5,090 130 $3,155
6 Parker 1,773 $2,629 161 $1,577
7 Carrabelle 2,004 $2,779 123 $1,667
8 Lower Grand Lagoon 2,459 $3,714 2,330 $2,562
9 Chipley 2,781 $2,097 70 $1,677
10 Vernon 3,010 $1,642 16 $1,083
11 Tallahassee 3,655 $2,630 672 $1,893
12 Havana 4,350 $3,421 68 $2,360
13 Port St. Joe 4,471 $3,257 148 $2,214
14 Bainbridge 4,783 $1,901 267 $1,216
15 Marianna 5,021 $1,819 112 $1,418
16 Gulf County 6,117 $2,172 174 $1,455
17 Washington County 6,757 $1,770 86 $1,398
18 Wakulla County 7,960 $2,727 121 $1,854
19 Leon 8,418 $3,456 671 $2,384
20 Panama City 27,972 $2,641 2,875 $1,954

Blountstown, FL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Bascom 35 $1,630 14 $2,037
2 Hosford 120 $3,088 63 $3,551
3 Panacea 130 $1,089 94 $1,252
4 Bristol 201 $1,777 70 $2,043
5 Gretna 333 $1,013 149 $1,235
6 Campbellton 527 $1,217 59 $1,436
7 Eastpoint 770 $2,665 292 $3,411
8 Gordon 794 $1,333 84 $1,692
9 Greensboro 984 $1,662 203 $1,927
10 Pretty Bayou 1015 $4,305 291 $5,166
11 Graceville 1024 $2,352 564 $2,869
12 Wewahitchka 1543 $1,663 578 $2,095
13 Cypress 1639 $1,913 330 $2,352
14 Blountstown 1766 $1,546 730 $2,009
15 Bonifay 2403 $1,809 910 $2,333
16 Callaway 3491 $3,157 1802 $3,883
17 Marianna 3882 $2,565 1322 $2,949
18 Upper Grand Lagoon 3908 $5,269 2101 $6,691
19 Quincy 5429 $2,125 2768 $2,443
20 Leon County 59917 $3,725 49643 $4,283