
Incredible Greenwood, FL Homeowners Insurance Facts

Knowing these incredible facts can get you unheard of savings on your Greenwood, FL homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Greenwood, FL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Eunola 4 bedroom 17 $2,860
2 Boykin 2 bedroom 40 $1,443
3 Avon 2 bedroom 51 $1,375
4 Taylor 4 bedroom 85 $3,737
5 Milford 4 bedroom 99 $3,825
6 Gretna 2 bedroom 106 $1,916
7 Damascus 2 bedroom 140 $1,793
8 Arlington 2 bedroom 148 $1,645
9 Grimes 3 bedroom 148 $1,505
10 Malone 2 bedroom 259 $1,043
11 Brinson 2 bedroom 334 $1,300
12 Greenwood 4 bedroom 342 $4,425
13 Greensboro 2 bedroom 362 $1,618
14 Newton 3 bedroom 412 $1,627
15 Webb 3 bedroom 427 $1,994
16 Baker County 2 bedroom 443 $1,443
17 Gordon 3 bedroom 709 $2,373
18 Dale County 4 bedroom 3019 $2,632
19 Dothan 2 bedroom 8723 $1,960
20 Jackson County 3 bedroom 11241 $2,378

Greenwood, FL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989
1 Jakin 10 $1,026 62 $1,207
2 Early County 10 $1,206 549 $1,418
3 Whigham 10 $1,869 210 $2,197
4 Miller County 10 $1,557 428 $1,831
5 Baker County 10 $1,445 331 $1,699
6 Altha 11 $1,834 313 $2,156
7 Calhoun County 11 $1,316 1207 $1,547
8 Washington County 14 $1,323 1975 $1,555
9 Vernon 14 $1,603 1014 $1,884
10 Slocomb 15 $1,344 467 $1,580
11 Henry County 18 $2,059 1429 $2,421
12 Arlington 19 $1,005 91 $1,181
13 Grady County 27 $1,568 1885 $1,844
14 Quincy 49 $1,420 1754 $1,669
15 Dale County 102 $1,725 4455 $2,028
16 Geneva County 102 $1,547 1722 $1,819
17 Dothan 116 $2,405 5215 $2,828
18 Houston County 118 $2,044 6581 $2,402
19 Havana 127 $2,148 1248 $2,525
20 Gadsden County 176 $1,771 3418 $2,082

Greenwood, FL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Napier Field 76 $1,122 20 $762
2 Milford 335 $1,481 37 $1,184
3 Colquitt 860 $1,309 10 $955
4 Baker County 1,076 $1,372 56 $960
5 Headland 1,613 $3,237 84 $2,201
6 Hartford 1,882 $1,489 24 $1,027
7 Leon 1,953 $2,098 290 $1,279
8 Donalsonville 2,296 $1,771 14 $1,292
9 Headland 2,781 $2,162 84 $1,621
10 Chipley 2,781 $1,955 70 $1,505
11 Vernon 3,010 $1,623 16 $1,282
12 Seminole County 3,046 $1,673 14 $1,070
13 Havana 4,350 $3,315 68 $2,088
14 Holmes County 5,462 $1,911 84 $1,414
15 Henry County 6,444 $1,897 116 $1,403
16 Washington County 6,757 $1,504 86 $1,128
17 Grady County 6,864 $1,993 69 $1,434
18 Decatur County 7,968 $1,959 267 $1,410
19 Geneva County 8,743 $1,627 86 $1,073
20 Gadsden County 12,744 $2,452 194 $1,937

Greenwood, FL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Wausau 85 $1,458 31 $1,778
2 Hosford 120 $3,548 63 $4,151
3 Avon 141 $1,851 71 $2,221
4 Webb 388 $1,634 121 $1,911
5 Rehobeth 466 $2,491 106 $3,213
6 Newton 514 $1,344 162 $1,653
7 Mount Pleasant 588 $2,493 134 $2,891
8 Liberty 613 $1,135 132 $1,430
9 Echo 713 $1,553 144 $1,785
10 Steam Mill 791 $1,284 184 $1,630
11 Whigham 859 $1,941 235 $2,503
12 Greenwood 1068 $1,806 221 $2,113
13 Headland 1161 $3,267 501 $4,083
14 Miller County 1776 $1,354 718 $1,611
15 Chipley 2330 $1,575 869 $2,016
16 Bonifay 2403 $1,848 910 $2,199
17 Leon 2764 $1,788 2387 $2,252
18 Henry County 5390 $1,987 1515 $2,503
19 Jackson County 12731 $1,902 3624 $2,339
20 Dothan 20226 $2,762 11910 $3,590