
Palm Coast, FL Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Palm Coast, FL homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Palm Coast, FL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Lake Kathryn 1 bedroom 18 $1,400
2 Altoona 3 bedroom 61 $4,218
3 Glencoe 4 bedroom 172 $4,657
4 Welaka 2 bedroom 186 $1,715
5 DeLand 4 bedroom 200 $3,825
6 DeLand 3 bedroom 216 $2,200
7 St. Augustine 4 bedroom 235 $3,937
8 DeLand 2 bedroom 416 $2,564
9 Green Cove Springs 2 bedroom 1207 $2,452
10 Penney Farms 4 bedroom 1602 $7,670
11 St. Augustine Shores 2 bedroom 2065 $3,103
12 Palm Valley 4 bedroom 2669 $9,630
13 Orange City 4 bedroom 2909 $5,219
14 Daytona Beach Shores 2 bedroom 3235 $4,368
15 Ponte Vedra 2 bedroom 3652 $4,730
16 Crescent City 2 bedroom 3732 $1,977
17 St. Augustine 2 bedroom 13503 $3,052
18 Port Orange 3 bedroom 13958 $3,493
19 Clay County 4 bedroom 19921 $5,610
20 Palm Coast 3 bedroom 22763 $4,443

Palm Coast, FL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1940 to 1949 Insurance on homes Built between 1940 to 1949
1 Pierson 50 $1,940 54 $2,448
2 Welaka 148 $1,994 12 $2,517
3 Lake Helen 161 $1,930 12 $2,435
4 De Leon Springs 203 $2,896 16 $3,654
5 East Palatka 573 $2,628 44 $3,316
6 Daytona 704 $2,292 95 $2,892
7 Green Cove Springs 981 $2,623 550 $3,310
8 Butler Beach 1060 $5,740 36 $7,243
9 Palatka 1185 $1,898 431 $2,395
10 Hastings 1545 $2,153 75 $2,717
11 Keystone Heights 1624 $2,136 227 $2,695
12 Crescent City 1688 $1,473 262 $1,859
13 Anthony 1692 $1,782 121 $2,249
14 Fleming Island 3079 $4,653 14 $5,871
15 Ormond Beach 3482 $2,802 704 $3,536
16 Flagler Beach 3864 $4,372 112 $5,517
17 Orange City 4110 $2,486 140 $3,137
18 New Smyrna Beach 5890 $3,050 649 $3,848
19 Palm Coast 7982 $2,829 105 $3,570
20 St. Johns County 19800 $5,134 1258 $6,478

Palm Coast, FL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Nocatee 1,265 $7,230 97 $4,916
2 DeLand 1,458 $3,150 10 $2,236
3 Villano Beach 1,462 $5,580 205 $4,408
4 Butler Beach 2,283 $7,115 1,797 $5,620
5 East Palatka 2,623 $2,626 27 $1,838
6 Anthony 3,218 $1,763 14 $1,234
7 Daytona 3,920 $2,412 1,203 $1,833
8 Peninsula 4,209 $5,459 6,771 $3,712
9 Marion 4,365 $1,352 14 $838
10 DeBary 7,354 $3,560 117 $2,492
11 Ponte Vedra 10,285 $8,203 1,323 $5,085
12 Central Volusia 13,675 $4,115 285 $2,510
13 Flagler Beach 15,098 $4,870 3,409 $2,922
14 Putnam County 19,490 $2,247 726 $1,415
15 Port Orange 20,170 $2,770 3,565 $1,855
16 Bunnell 25,364 $3,656 476 $2,595
17 Palm Coast 32,062 $3,704 1,059 $2,740
18 St. Augustine 33,535 $5,057 6,014 $3,995
19 Flagler County 40,462 $2,920 3,885 $1,927
20 St. Johns County 64,120 $4,172 9,394 $2,753

Palm Coast, FL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Paisley 187 $1,783 63 $2,139
2 Lake Helen 759 $2,583 255 $2,996
3 Glencoe 973 $3,061 197 $3,795
4 Nocatee 1167 $7,263 204 $9,006
5 Daytona Beach Shores 1750 $6,259 614 $7,823
6 Spruce Creek 1959 $7,702 94 $9,935
7 Holly Hill 2582 $1,591 2293 $2,004
8 East Palatka 2843 $2,556 637 $3,143
9 Ormond by the Sea 3023 $3,412 899 $4,401
10 Anthony 4485 $1,867 1291 $2,277
11 Matanzas 4931 $3,296 1742 $4,152
12 Crescent City 5463 $2,128 1202 $2,447
13 Peninsula 8453 $3,242 3441 $3,955
14 Fruit Cove 10898 $5,802 1057 $6,672
15 Orange City 12828 $2,543 4000 $2,975
16 Ormond Beach 15817 $3,200 6127 $3,968
17 DeLand 16847 $3,675 5958 $4,226
18 Palm Coast 21637 $3,480 5651 $4,245
19 Clay County 52175 $3,022 15395 $3,747
20 St. Johns County 56768 $6,092 17253 $7,188