
Frankford, DE Homeowners Insurance Valuable Stats

You have to know this valuable statistics about Frankford, DE homeowners insurance to be able to negotiate & get cheap quotes.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Frankford, DE & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Williston 5 or more bedrooms 14 $2,310
2 Brookview 2 bedroom 15 $508
3 Vienna 4 bedroom 31 $990
4 Frankford 4 bedroom 36 $1,105
5 Little Creek 3 bedroom 55 $481
6 New Market 4 bedroom 56 $1,155
7 Eden 2 bedroom 109 $385
8 Blades 2 bedroom 157 $382
9 Delmar 3 bedroom 253 $481
10 Greensboro 3 bedroom 427 $843
11 Riverview 3 bedroom 469 $922
12 Felton 2 bedroom 549 $601
13 Princess Anne 3 bedroom 596 $682
14 Milford 2 bedroom 1159 $632
15 Salisbury 2 bedroom 4104 $438
16 Seaford 3 bedroom 5258 $768
17 Lewes 4 bedroom 5490 $2,090
18 Frankford 4 bedroom 6153 $1,500
19 Ocean City 2 bedroom 13654 $765
20 Cape May County 4 bedroom 20384 $1,575

Frankford, DE Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1980 to 1989 Insurance on homes Built between 1980 to 1989
1 Highland Acres 12 $725 283 $853
2 Lebanon 13 $697 124 $820
3 Worcester County 15 $734 15350 $863
4 Rio Grande 19 $684 274 $804
5 Ocean View 21 $1,260 162 $1,481
6 Seaford 24 $758 1207 $891
7 Caroline County 38 $706 1839 $830
8 Laurel 43 $456 144 $536
9 Dorchester County 46 $752 1603 $884
10 Lower 47 $778 2298 $914
11 Greenwood 61 $609 563 $716
12 Milton 72 $1,078 1326 $1,267
13 Millsboro 92 $575 3291 $676
14 Milford 101 $644 860 $757
15 Central Kent 117 $684 1471 $805
16 Cape May County 117 $1,004 16818 $1,180
17 Lewes 158 $978 6305 $1,150
18 Frankford 348 $945 7357 $1,111
19 Kent County 407 $736 8761 $865
20 Sussex County 904 $971 23194 $1,141

Frankford, DE home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Dewey Beach 620 $2,138 342 $1,368
2 Fenwick Island 686 $3,565 47 $2,638
3 Erma 753 $958 13 $622
4 Federalsburg 831 $791 73 $569
5 Bridgeville 836 $856 56 $590
6 Berlin 1,262 $1,011 138 $697
7 Cape May Court House 1,975 $1,159 302 $741
8 North Cape May 2,015 $1,141 222 $878
9 West Ocean City 2,218 $1,270 71 $812
10 Avalon 4,311 $4,200 89 $2,646
11 Ocean City 4,595 $1,294 19,104 $802
12 Delmar 6,842 $808 123 $606
13 Seaford 7,011 $604 353 $453
14 Salisbury 7,118 $611 3,335 $403
15 Central Kent 7,369 $779 93 $498
16 Millsboro 9,602 $691 425 $456
17 Caroline County 10,947 $871 284 $592
18 Dorchester County 12,566 $900 746 $648
19 Frankford 24,451 $1,169 1,879 $806
20 Kent County 47,797 $820 4,729 $549

Frankford, DE home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Goldsboro 45 $779 12 $958
2 Ellendale 71 $556 27 $672
3 Jesterville 92 $1,684 38 $2,155
4 Fairmount 105 $887 88 $1,055
5 Captains Cove 168 $721 130 $872
6 Frederica 219 $620 52 $762
7 Eden 301 $329 52 $417
8 Rodney Village 308 $536 172 $616
9 Wattsville 458 $564 127 $648
10 Delmar 492 $544 579 $701
11 Berlin 933 $1,035 522 $1,190
12 Felton 2206 $713 591 $855
13 Greenwood 2989 $734 939 $844
14 Harrington 3529 $653 1093 $809
15 Somerset County 5814 $665 2680 $851
16 Milford 6040 $794 1445 $1,024
17 Middle 6077 $902 1693 $1,136
18 Delmar 6287 $808 1837 $961
19 Frankford 11315 $1,422 2388 $1,834
20 Kent County 42124 $799 15692 $1,038