
Cripple Creek, CO Homeowners Insurance Spectacular Stats

Spectacularly in depth stats on Cripple Creek, CO homeowners insurance that will help keep your rates low.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Cripple Creek, CO & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Rock Creek Park 5 or more bedrooms 13 $551
2 Larkspur 2 bedroom 29 $811
3 Brookside 3 bedroom 48 $1,327
4 Howard 1 bedroom 91 $540
5 Perry Park 5 or more bedrooms 122 $3,575
6 Salt Creek 3 bedroom 134 $591
7 Silver Cliff 2 bedroom 213 $618
8 Cripple Creek 3 bedroom 610 $942
9 Stratmoor 4 bedroom 690 $1,125
10 St. Charles Mesa 4 bedroom 792 $1,192
11 Gleneagle 3 bedroom 798 $1,820
12 Lake George 3 bedroom 987 $945
13 Woodmoor 4 bedroom 1186 $3,025
14 Cimarron Hills 3 bedroom 2569 $900
15 Divide 2 bedroom 2574 $1,068
16 Elsmere 2 bedroom 3403 $806
17 Jefferson 3 bedroom 3928 $1,917
18 Fountain 4 bedroom 6671 $945
19 Sedalia 3 bedroom 18048 $1,397
20 Douglas County 3 bedroom 36997 $1,650

Cripple Creek, CO Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Green Mountain Falls 19 $986 88 $1,193
2 Air Force Academy 36 $-3 312 $-4
3 Manitou Springs 82 $1,620 284 $1,960
4 Stratmoor 232 $757 132 $915
5 Portland 354 $980 15 $1,186
6 Fort Carson 451 $-3 242 $-4
7 Cripple Creek 529 $620 85 $750
8 Florence 546 $714 312 $863
9 Woodland Park 616 $978 102 $1,183
10 Cotopaxi 857 $980 23 $1,186
11 Cheyenne Mountain 1377 $1,876 69 $2,269
12 Security-Widefield 1787 $679 1915 $822
13 Jefferson 2542 $1,790 507 $2,165
14 Fremont County 3248 $922 1344 $1,115
15 Pueblo 3913 $666 8395 $806
16 Elsmere 4400 $1,055 70 $1,276
17 Peyton 6509 $1,977 264 $2,392
18 Parker 11699 $1,558 124 $1,884
19 Sedalia 24428 $1,783 194 $2,157
20 Colorado Springs 27043 $1,080 14341 $1,306

Cripple Creek, CO home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Stratmoor 1,817 $588 82 $370
2 Cripple Creek 1,890 $747 116 $530
3 Gleneagle 2,303 $1,744 210 $1,098
4 Woodland Park 2,712 $1,098 16 $867
5 Woodmoor 3,035 $1,687 14 $1,096
6 St. Charles Mesa 3,304 $983 27 $727
7 Southeastern El Paso 3,534 $952 34 $733
8 Westcliffe 3,597 $1,030 45 $772
9 Custer County 3,597 $1,187 45 $842
10 Cimarron Hills 4,712 $751 435 $465
11 Monument 5,554 $1,559 231 $1,122
12 Divide 8,831 $1,345 27 $1,022
13 Security-Widefield 11,143 $797 431 $597
14 Castle Rock 14,021 $1,379 2,210 $1,034
15 Fremont County 14,272 $805 511 $587
16 Fountain 21,645 $909 606 $545
17 Pueblo 38,683 $473 4,415 $307
18 Sedalia 44,264 $1,727 4,923 $1,347
19 Douglas County 89,354 $2,011 10,255 $1,468
20 Colorado Springs 124,661 $1,088 31,769 $761

Cripple Creek, CO home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Coaldale 31 $1,387 42 $1,650
2 Larkspur 74 $779 16 $958
3 Victor 139 $420 41 $537
4 Salt Creek 166 $409 96 $470
5 Silver Cliff 218 $973 104 $1,167
6 Calhan 246 $655 98 $844
7 Chipita Park 415 $1,424 145 $1,737
8 Howard 423 $1,313 141 $1,562
9 Cripple Creek 968 $567 407 $686
10 Pikes Peak 1140 $1,659 376 $2,057
11 Woodmoor 2691 $1,764 245 $2,293
12 Cheyenne Mountain 3231 $2,178 602 $2,504
13 Pueblo 8652 $825 2066 $1,023
14 Jefferson 9265 $2,131 562 $2,578
15 Fremont County 12369 $660 4831 $792
16 Castle Rock 12690 $1,213 4125 $1,419
17 Pueblo 27495 $497 17651 $636
18 Parker 30265 $1,695 6327 $1,949
19 Sedalia 41108 $1,551 10095 $1,985
20 El Paso County 151047 $1,022 83011 $1,257