
Excellent Hidden Valley Lake, CA Homeowners Insurance Stats

You have to see this excellent stats about Hidden Valley Lake, CA homeowners insurance that will enable you to get a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Hidden Valley Lake, CA & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Moskowite Corner 4 bedroom 18 $281
2 Grimes 3 bedroom 29 $426
3 Meridian 2 bedroom 31 $481
4 Carmet 2 bedroom 32 $127
5 Yolo 4 bedroom 34 $770
6 Cazadero 3 bedroom 64 $1,012
7 Timber Cove 2 bedroom 86 $877
8 Geyserville 3 bedroom 135 $1,105
9 Yountville 1 bedroom 162 $1,012
10 Cloverdale 4 bedroom 423 $1,080
11 Lakeport 1 bedroom 602 $326
12 Sea Ranch 2 bedroom 846 $1,170
13 Kelseyville 3 bedroom 1315 $810
14 Hidden Valley Lake 3 bedroom 1661 $880
15 Colusa County 2 bedroom 2346 $440
16 Woodland 4 bedroom 3871 $942
17 Healdsburg 2 bedroom 4089 $697
18 Rohnert Park 2 bedroom 4773 $540
19 Suisun City 2 bedroom 8593 $810
20 Santa Rosa 2 bedroom 25523 $852

Hidden Valley Lake, CA Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Bodega Bay 25 $2,239 29 $2,734
2 Upper Lake 38 $321 58 $392
3 Roseland 40 $615 377 $751
4 Dunnigan 107 $220 39 $269
5 Guerneville 127 $1,030 240 $1,258
6 Sutter 151 $635 141 $775
7 Nice 154 $370 212 $451
8 Hartley 173 $1,426 115 $1,741
9 Soda Bay 176 $820 63 $1,002
10 Calistoga 379 $933 275 $1,139
11 Hidden Valley Lake 625 $651 85 $795
12 Clearlake Riviera 801 $621 430 $759
13 Geyserville 1053 $1,087 544 $1,328
14 Colusa County 1242 $513 912 $626
15 Dixon 1482 $753 507 $920
16 American Canyon 2611 $794 433 $970
17 Woodland 3399 $685 3008 $836
18 Sutter County 5924 $609 4388 $743
19 Yolo County 13899 $922 9445 $1,125
20 Solano County 21163 $919 14152 $1,122

Hidden Valley Lake, CA home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Nice 770 $322 62 $215
2 Arbuckle 874 $833 45 $599
3 Williams 1,025 $491 130 $363
4 Kelseyville 1,677 $698 30 $432
5 Colusa 1,746 $589 152 $376
6 Angwin 1,841 $2,436 15 $1,461
7 Calistoga 1,985 $1,246 257 $959
8 Hidden Valley Lake 2,442 $672 13 $443
9 Guerneville 2,957 $1,104 57 $750
10 Clearlake Oaks 3,158 $599 45 $377
11 St. Helena 3,253 $3,220 156 $2,382
12 Willows 3,384 $747 152 $485
13 Geyserville 4,970 $1,119 175 $828
14 Clearlake 5,322 $260 406 $174
15 Dixon 6,022 $1,049 427 $744
16 Suisun City 7,823 $821 487 $591
17 Lake County 24,737 $601 848 $372
18 Petaluma 35,634 $1,505 6,010 $1,098
19 Napa County 40,250 $1,243 4,469 $820
20 Santa Rosa 57,261 $1,013 10,001 $688

Hidden Valley Lake, CA home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Madison 81 $477 36 $553
2 Guinda 95 $1,073 52 $1,287
3 Fulton 129 $1,515 91 $1,818
4 Dunnigan 229 $328 115 $390
5 Eldridge 251 $1,141 246 $1,426
6 Monte Rio 265 $992 260 $1,140
7 Green Valley 691 $1,914 17 $2,315
8 Yountville 825 $2,166 375 $2,642
9 Lucerne 828 $539 498 $679
10 Calistoga 1440 $1,504 1017 $1,864
11 Hidden Valley Lake 1570 $576 496 $708
12 Middletown 1981 $890 848 $1,094
13 Central Colusa 2062 $661 1364 $826
14 Lakeport 2517 $518 1447 $657
15 Geyserville 3459 $1,161 1592 $1,486
16 Sonoma Coast 6693 $1,554 3246 $1,958
17 Davis 11768 $1,601 14292 $1,921
18 Sutter County 19148 $510 12487 $642
19 Petaluma 28856 $1,296 18171 $1,620
20 Sonoma County 113096 $1,335 71406 $1,615