
Incredible Lapile, AR Homeowners Insurance Metrics

Incredible metrics which will help you get great discounts on your Lapile, AR homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Lapile, AR & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Harrell 4 bedroom 14 $1,292
2 Fountain Hill 2 bedroom 18 $600
3 Parkdale 2 bedroom 38 $550
4 Sumpter 2 bedroom 42 $618
5 Spearsville 2 bedroom 43 $665
6 Downsville 2 bedroom 47 $945
7 Junction City 2 bedroom 58 $761
8 Felsenthal 3 bedroom 73 $462
9 Choudrant 2 bedroom 146 $1,168
10 Hermitage 3 bedroom 159 $805
11 Camden 2 bedroom 186 $822
12 Wilmot 3 bedroom 189 $656
13 Warren 4 bedroom 319 $1,300
14 Egypt 1 bedroom 442 $537
15 Lapile 2 bedroom 476 $487
16 Crossett 3 bedroom 533 $831
17 Farmerville 3 bedroom 688 $1,113
18 Ashley County 4 bedroom 912 $1,001
19 Bastrop 2 bedroom 1257 $506
20 Morehouse 3 bedroom 6598 $978

Lapile, AR Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Start 10 $900 118 $1,110
2 Bawcomville 11 $386 254 $476
3 Tubal 12 $754 31 $931
4 Ashley County 12 $390 2692 $482
5 Franklin 12 $731 189 $903
6 Drew County 13 $585 1752 $722
7 Marion 13 $797 1246 $984
8 Ruston 13 $1,072 1768 $1,322
9 Brownsville 14 $386 277 $476
10 Farmerville 23 $595 432 $735
11 Lincoln 29 $1,011 3733 $1,248
12 Union 32 $549 2410 $678
13 El Dorado 44 $576 1801 $711
14 Monroe 49 $848 4226 $1,046
15 Morehouse 52 $467 2729 $577
16 Pennington 54 $487 835 $601
17 Warren 54 $456 696 $563
18 Bradley County 54 $507 1182 $626
19 Union County 90 $513 3045 $634
20 Ouachita 344 $754 13282 $930

Lapile, AR home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Hermitage 159 $373 76 $279
2 Richwood 372 $645 18 $477
3 Sterlington 454 $864 32 $630
4 Bernice 572 $683 28 $464
5 Bradley 743 $828 24 $579
6 Farmerville 923 $717 32 $509
7 Homer 1,209 $560 15 $436
8 Calhoun County 2,128 $552 14 $408
9 Warren 2,398 $534 109 $411
10 Monticello 2,650 $659 293 $428
11 Pennington 3,253 $518 109 $341
12 Ecore Fabre 3,544 $628 231 $458
13 Bastrop 3,824 $630 187 $491
14 Bradley County 4,206 $600 185 $384
15 West Monroe 4,401 $1,029 541 $771
16 Drew County 5,348 $645 359 $445
17 Claiborne 5,536 $652 26 $469
18 Ashley County 7,170 $578 233 $375
19 Lincoln 11,557 $1,057 1,402 $792
20 Monroe 15,038 $968 1,619 $600

Lapile, AR home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Downsville 55 $818 17 $1,047
2 Fountain Hill 63 $294 16 $376
3 Banks 65 $428 11 $556
4 Parkdale 72 $421 33 $484
5 Montrose 86 $113 59 $134
6 Wilmar 107 $542 123 $639
7 Cominto 112 $457 44 $584
8 Mer Rouge 131 $806 89 $1,023
9 Calion 139 $431 79 $499
10 Junction City 151 $528 21 $675
11 Cornie 223 $520 14 $665
12 Marion 226 $536 107 $632
13 Simsboro 283 $654 130 $817
14 Lakeshore 480 $897 169 $1,166
15 Lapile 705 $348 191 $407
16 Carter 1237 $492 340 $595
17 Swartz 1427 $1,025 282 $1,178
18 Warren 1630 $521 983 $625
19 Lafayette 1888 $645 618 $741
20 Claiborne 4148 $652 1487 $756