
Spectacular Miller, AR Homeowners Insurance Info

Save on your Miller, AR homeowners insurance by knowing this spectacular information that not a lot of people know

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Miller, AR & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Woodlawn 4 bedroom 10 $1,170
2 Keo 4 bedroom 10 $1,267
3 Bogy 2 bedroom 12 $292
4 Miller 1 bedroom 18 $945
5 Kingsland 1 bedroom 35 $456
6 Princeton 3 bedroom 43 $525
7 Grady 2 bedroom 44 $543
8 Live Oak 2 bedroom 56 $600
9 Bartholomew 2 bedroom 61 $726
10 Sulphur Springs 2 bedroom 67 $990
11 Harper 3 bedroom 69 $888
12 Wilmar 3 bedroom 150 $927
13 Stanley 3 bedroom 174 $682
14 Warren 4 bedroom 319 $1,560
15 Longview 3 bedroom 359 $647
16 England 3 bedroom 502 $1,265
17 East End 4 bedroom 524 $1,837
18 Dumas 2 bedroom 662 $556
19 Otter 2 bedroom 876 $673
20 Washington 3 bedroom 2297 $866

Miller, AR Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built 2010 or later Insurance on homes Built 2010 or later Number of homes Built between 1960 to 1969 Insurance on homes Built between 1960 to 1969
1 Banner 10 $842 53 $1,088
2 East End 10 $935 41 $1,208
3 Longview 12 $383 106 $495
4 Merry Green 12 $803 365 $1,038
5 Marion 13 $836 506 $1,080
6 Drew County 13 $593 791 $766
7 Dekalb 15 $1,030 36 $1,331
8 Tull 15 $1,073 23 $1,387
9 Bowman 19 $436 30 $564
10 Rison 20 $475 94 $614
11 Stuttgart 23 $757 1014 $979
12 Grant County 32 $727 851 $940
13 Otter 39 $674 304 $871
14 Pine Bluff 54 $513 5039 $663
15 Pennington 54 $559 444 $722
16 Warren 54 $440 296 $569
17 Vaugine 54 $654 5081 $845
18 Bradley County 54 $529 682 $683
19 Haskell 81 $672 34 $868
20 Jefferson County 110 $727 6396 $940

Miller, AR home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Hermitage 159 $397 76 $262
2 Altheimer 387 $616 10 $381
3 Plum Bayou 535 $419 10 $318
4 Hampton 577 $558 14 $412
5 Bradley 743 $659 24 $514
6 England 837 $798 36 $534
7 Gum Woods 882 $714 36 $485
8 Sheridan 1,476 $1,053 100 $684
9 White Hall 1,668 $971 105 $660
10 Fordyce 1,685 $535 91 $411
11 La Grue 1,738 $708 27 $481
12 Calhoun County 2,128 $587 14 $405
13 Warren 2,398 $571 109 $439
14 Monticello 2,650 $694 293 $423
15 Cleveland County 2,797 $678 35 $406
16 Dallas County 3,246 $577 96 $357
17 Pennington 3,253 $628 109 $383
18 Marion 3,512 $878 359 $579
19 Arkansas County 7,019 $651 250 $429
20 Jefferson County 24,425 $867 2,007 $606

Miller, AR home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Sumpter 67 $151 31 $191
2 Dunnington 72 $671 44 $778
3 Manchester 79 $1,019 11 $1,202
4 Poyen 105 $482 28 $592
5 Woodson 120 $1,027 20 $1,273
6 Carthage 127 $350 41 $451
7 Sparkman 156 $476 77 $571
8 Morris 160 $2,007 90 $2,388
9 Stanley 193 $611 101 $757
10 Miller 194 $950 27 $1,178
11 Altheimer 216 $462 99 $535
12 Traskwood 227 $591 23 $709
13 Spring Hill 277 $627 22 $739
14 Kingsland 279 $509 86 $610
15 Sulphur Springs 424 $816 93 $971
16 Shaw 522 $852 17 $996
17 Spring 925 $823 234 $1,053
18 Fordyce 1118 $440 714 $506
19 Merry Green 2002 $786 666 $919
20 Gum Pond 2588 $850 1347 $1,037