
Incredible Tri-Cities, AL Homeowners Insurance Facts

Knowing these incredible facts can get you unheard of savings on your Tri-Cities, AL homeowners insurance

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Tri-Cities, AL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Elkton 4 bedroom 29 $1,012
2 Tishomingo 1 bedroom 35 $202
3 Courtland 4 bedroom 57 $728
4 Collinwood 4 bedroom 58 $811
5 Trinity 2 bedroom 122 $701
6 Ardmore 2 bedroom 128 $516
7 Brilliant 4 bedroom 129 $632
8 Double Springs 4 bedroom 173 $811
9 Moulton 4 bedroom 327 $937
10 Hamilton 4 bedroom 481 $845
11 Oakville 3 bedroom 535 $562
12 Waterloo 3 bedroom 579 $463
13 Vina 3 bedroom 590 $483
14 Rogersville 2 bedroom 661 $516
15 Jones Chapel 3 bedroom 1117 $596
16 Giles County 2 bedroom 3655 $455
17 Tri-Cities 2 bedroom 3861 $573
18 Killen 3 bedroom 4237 $687
19 Limestone County 4 bedroom 5605 $1,215
20 Florence 3 bedroom 11016 $675

Tri-Cities, AL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Insurance on homes Built between 1990 to 1999 Number of homes Built between 1950 to 1959 Insurance on homes Built between 1950 to 1959
1 Hodges 20 $387 13 $468
2 Loretto 101 $423 107 $511
3 Vina 165 $296 51 $358
4 Waynesboro 207 $266 157 $322
5 Falkville 411 $422 275 $510
6 Phil Campbell 442 $392 387 $474
7 Haleyville 464 $394 287 $477
8 Mooresville 516 $1,142 50 $1,381
9 Bear Creek 544 $216 168 $262
10 Lawrenceburg 644 $472 635 $571
11 Cloverdale 691 $406 300 $492
12 Littleville 754 $456 458 $552
13 Leighton 787 $393 356 $475
14 Hamilton 1165 $384 238 $465
15 Wayne County 1901 $390 443 $472
16 Tri-Cities 2257 $604 2450 $731
17 Giles County 2988 $526 1150 $636
18 Lawrence County 3534 $534 1466 $646
19 Lauderdale County 7583 $512 5632 $620
20 Morgan County 9760 $519 4519 $628

Tri-Cities, AL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Clifton 252 $576 10 $397
2 Burnsville 313 $327 10 $261
3 Ardmore 466 $522 14 $391
4 Loretto 800 $487 17 $389
5 Jones Chapel 1,187 $372 17 $271
6 Double Springs 1,932 $396 49 $257
7 Pulaski 2,402 $498 255 $303
8 Savannah 2,404 $538 56 $381
9 Littleville 2,636 $389 20 $287
10 Hamilton 2,879 $412 68 $317
11 Tuscumbia 3,071 $403 131 $282
12 Morris Chapel 3,100 $490 11 $362
13 Wayne County 5,157 $431 38 $293
14 Russellville 5,929 $511 357 $306
15 Killen 6,114 $556 28 $439
16 Tri-Cities 12,581 $578 556 $404
17 Lawrence County 14,191 $407 247 $268
18 Athens 21,658 $661 1,038 $442
19 Limestone County 26,522 $569 1,076 $409
20 Lauderdale County 33,057 $593 2,078 $462

Tri-Cities, AL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Elkton 192 $394 46 $453
2 Town Creek 244 $298 108 $342
3 Ardmore 391 $668 220 $768
4 Vina 638 $310 153 $390
5 Waterloo 684 $334 142 $424
6 Trinity 778 $988 96 $1,165
7 Priceville 876 $844 91 $1,012
8 Jones Chapel 1278 $417 297 $500
9 Savannah 1650 $475 1102 $574
10 Pulaski 1827 $409 1668 $498
11 Tuscumbia 2305 $526 1314 $604
12 Lawrenceburg 2543 $449 2025 $516
13 Rogersville 2597 $455 498 $523
14 Tishomingo County 5941 $403 1628 $499
15 Hartselle 6344 $834 1801 $1,067
16 Marion County 9572 $412 3155 $506
17 Tri-Cities 9640 $535 4520 $647
18 Lawrence County 12201 $407 3888 $476
19 Decatur 15058 $511 9062 $654
20 Colbert County 16200 $568 6090 $675