
Remarkable Kennedy, AL Homeowners Insurance Metrics

These remarkable metrics about Kennedy, AL homeowners insurance will make you smarter about getting a great deal.

Home Insurance by bedrooms for Kennedy, AL & close by areas

Rank Place Typical Number of Bedrooms Number of Homes with that Number of Bedrooms Average Home Insurance Rate for home with that number of bedrooms
1 Artesia 4 bedroom 23 $630
2 Natural Bridge 2 bedroom 25 $585
3 Belk 2 bedroom 38 $293
4 Caledonia 4 bedroom 46 $900
5 Beaverton 3 bedroom 66 $250
6 Kennedy 2 bedroom 76 $455
7 Bexar 4 bedroom 116 $975
8 Hatley 3 bedroom 120 $472
9 Reform 4 bedroom 184 $756
10 Berry 4 bedroom 255 $591
11 Windham Springs 4 bedroom 303 $975
12 Amory 4 bedroom 334 $763
13 Lynn 3 bedroom 615 $630
14 Townley 3 bedroom 849 $350
15 Parrish 3 bedroom 877 $483
16 Glen Allen 3 bedroom 1013 $630
17 Fayette 2 bedroom 1163 $490
18 Clay County 4 bedroom 1309 $975
19 Northport 4 bedroom 1704 $1,375
20 Starkville 3 bedroom 4058 $577

Kennedy, AL Homeowners insurance by construction year

Rank Place Number of homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Insurance on homes Built between 2000 to 2009 Number of homes Built between 1970 to 1979 Insurance on homes Built between 1970 to 1979
1 Yampertown 10 $345 49 $403
2 Geiger 12 $290 57 $338
3 Kennedy 21 $321 46 $374
4 Moores Bridge 30 $393 151 $458
5 Crawford 30 $232 72 $271
6 Brilliant 55 $306 276 $357
7 West Greene 114 $295 251 $343
8 Manchester 116 $352 507 $410
9 Holt 118 $340 78 $396
10 Carrollton 144 $274 286 $319
11 Reform 157 $374 349 $436
12 Berry 214 $283 362 $330
13 Noxubee County 483 $332 1198 $387
14 Fayette County 540 $341 1667 $397
15 Clay County 605 $333 2322 $388
16 Vance 797 $646 358 $753
17 Pickens County 961 $395 1692 $461
18 Marion County 1014 $365 3721 $426
19 Monroe County 1518 $311 3037 $362
20 Northport 2992 $836 2194 $974

Kennedy, AL home insurance by property type

Rank Place Number of Single Family Homes Insurance for single family Homes Number of Multi Family Homes & Condominiums Insurance for Multi Family Homes & Condominiums
1 Geiger 215 $256 27 $174
2 Cordova 1,050 $272 70 $195
3 Berry 1,081 $327 40 $235
4 Guin 1,147 $376 71 $278
5 Brookwood 1,236 $421 25 $294
6 Reform 1,305 $372 16 $275
7 Samantha 1,316 $363 11 $257
8 Gordo 1,400 $568 20 $391
9 Aberdeen 1,850 $417 118 $254
10 Aliceville 1,876 $336 34 $211
11 Winfield 1,950 $580 90 $359
12 Vernon 2,044 $428 39 $333
13 Fayette 2,967 $454 202 $326
14 Noxubee County 3,177 $281 54 $224
15 West Point 3,759 $486 45 $374
16 Starkville 5,175 $700 1,381 $532
17 Pickens County 6,476 $478 98 $334
18 Clay County 6,673 $384 50 $253
19 Jasper 7,525 $625 261 $493
20 Columbus 7,959 $520 841 $364

Kennedy, AL home insurance by owner occupied vs renter occupied

Rank Place Owner Occupied Homes Insurance for Owner Occupied Homes Number of Renter Occupied Homes Insurance for Renter Occupied Homes
1 Detroit 62 $319 38 $411
2 Kansas 63 $270 22 $315
3 Glen Allen 146 $197 37 $248
4 Kennedy 148 $417 56 $479
5 Geiger 246 $261 84 $336
6 Moores Bridge 384 $564 55 $716
7 Fayette 560 $393 63 $495
8 Cordova 932 $266 386 $313
9 Coker 1026 $368 256 $478
10 Reform 1113 $397 490 $500
11 Berry 1191 $383 283 $451
12 Glen Allen 1243 $360 282 $428
13 Manchester 1291 $374 336 $482
14 Winfield 1566 $550 676 $632
15 Amory 1942 $397 973 $500
16 Hamilton 2928 $461 986 $553
17 Lamar County 4392 $398 1715 $513
18 Pickens County 5726 $445 2296 $520
19 Monroe County 11154 $360 3239 $428
20 Tuscaloosa 21920 $787 19147 $905